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thumbnail release from the trunk series released

Release information
Release notes:

Welcome to Blacklight3 0.3 Release Notes.

Blacklight3 0.3 Copyleft under GPL version 3, 2008-2009.

Note that there is no warranty for this program, to the extent allowed by law.

Libraries and external programs used by this program may have different licenses. Please consult their documentation for more details.

Blacklight3 is written for Linux only. It will not work on Windows or Mac OS, and may not work on Unix.

Blacklight3 is not endorsed or supported by Sony. The names "Sony" and "Walkman", as well as model numbers and features of CPUs, are used only with the intent of advertising compatibility with the products.


A recent version of FFMPEG with support for patent-encumbered formats. Medibuntu's version of FFMPEG in Ubuntu 9.10 is a good start.
Python 2.4 or above...


Blacklight 3
1.3 - Ubuntu 9.10's FFMPEG does not include AAC encoding ability due to licensing problems. You need to use Medibuntu's version of FFMPEG which now includes AAC encoding, or compile your own ffmpeg and put its location into $PATH or /etc/blacklight3.ffmpeg. Blacklight3 1.3 now has the ability to look at that file to see where your preferred ffmpeg is. Fixed issue where Blacklight would report its version as "1.1".

The biggest new feature is the thumbnail generation. Blacklight will automatically generate thumbnails for your video files if they are not present. This requires ffmpegthumbnailer.

1.2 - Add the feature of being able to specify the VIDEO directory of the Walkman, in case Blacklight can't work it out (--path). Also add "--high-quality" option that works only with the X-series Walkmans. Version numbering jump is because of a mistake on my part with an earlier package.

1.0.1 - FFmpeg devs changed the name of the format from "aac" back to "libfaac". Earlier Blacklights could work with either. I added this feature again. Now Blacklight3 works on Ubuntu 8.10.

1.0 - Initial release

File Description Downloads
download icon blacklight3_0.3-2_all.deb (md5) blacklight3 0.3 CLI 388
last downloaded 50 weeks ago
Total downloads: 388

blacklight0.2 (Path and X) release from the trunk series released

Release information
Release notes:

Welcome to the Blacklight 0.2 release!

This release has not had a lot of testing. Please report any problems as you see them.

There is sadly no new GUI package. As far as the open-source GUI goes, I don't forsee any updates. I am considering continuing development of the GUI under a closed-source license in conjunction with my new project. The good news is that this will help fund development of the GUI rather than have it languish under non-development like it is currently.

The command-line package will continue to be open-source under the GPL, and will continue development as necessary. No need to worry about that.

Please see the Changelog for information about what's new in the CLI package!


1. It's now possible to specify the path of the Walkman's video directory, in case you have it mounted somewhere unusual. You can do this via:

--path <path_to_walkman_video_directory>

2. I just obtained a new 32-gigabyte X-series Walkman, and noticed that it now supports mpeg4 files up to 2.5mbps! Before, the limit was 768 kilobits per second. Of course, the X-series has a bigger and higher-quality screen (yes, the OLED is even better than the LCD screens on the earlier Walkmans!), so you can really use the extra quality to prevent blocking artifacts.

You can use this option like this:


(no short option)

This higher quality mode is 2 megabits per second and is unlikely to work on earlier Walkmans. Blacklight3 gives you a warning anyway in case you didn't read this changelog, the man page or the --help :-)

File Description Downloads
download icon blacklight3_0.2-1_all.deb (md5) blacklight_cli0.2 63
last downloaded 50 weeks ago
Total downloads: 63

0.1.2 (wx-non-starter) release from the trunk series released

Release information
Release notes:

Some versions of WxWidgets have a bug in them that cause Blacklight3-gui not to start. Unfortunately, Ubuntu 8.10 ships with one of those versions. Rather than force all Blacklight users to compile a new Wx version, I've instead applied a quick fix. Blacklight3-gui now doesn't have the coloured text in its buttons, but at least it runs :-)

Thanks to jynyl and cloggy for reporting this bug.


Removed all "foreground" and "background" lines from

File Description Downloads
download icon blacklight3_0.1.1-1_all.deb (md5) blacklight3_0.1.1-1_all.deb 93
last downloaded 51 weeks ago
download icon blacklight3-gui_0.1.1-1_all.deb (md5) blacklight3-gui_0.1.1_all.deb 114
last downloaded 50 weeks ago
Total downloads: 207

0.1.1 (aac-and-libfaac) release from the trunk series released

Release information
Release notes:

This is a small bugfix release, that now ensures that Blacklight3 will work on Ubuntu 8.04 and 8.10. It also adds the "unstripped" libav packages as a "suggests", because Blacklight3 will NOT work without either these packages or a home-compiled ffmpeg. The Blacklight3-gui package does not need to be updated, only the CLI package.


Changelog for Blacklight3 0.1.1:

1. FFmpeg changed the codec name from "aac" to "libfaac". If Blacklight3 tries the "aac" name and gets an error message about "Unknown encoder" from ffmpeg, it then tries the "libfaac" name. If that gives the same error, Blacklight3 (CLI) tells the user what has happened, how to get the unstripped libraries if they don't already have them, and if they do it tells them to submit a bug report.

2. The Debian package now lists the libav unstripped packages as "suggests". The ordinary, stripped packages in Ubuntu 8.10 do not have restricted format support, and Medibuntu no longer provides a set of unstripped libraries. However, Ubuntu provides them now, so we list them as a "suggests" in case someone wonders why the encoding fails. We don't list as a "depends" because I know a lot of people use their own self-compiled version of ffmpeg, and we don't want apt to try and overwrite it automatically.

That's it, nothing extra special in this release, it just works now.

File Description Downloads
download icon blacklight3_0.1.1-1_all.deb (md5) blacklight3-cli 0.1.1 19
last downloaded 50 weeks ago
Total downloads: 19

0.1alpha (a for apple) release from the trunk series released

Release information
Release notes:

Complete rewrite
Massive multiprocessing capability on multi-core machines with multiple files to be processed
Separation between GUI and backend with the ability to run without a GUI
Ability to queue files for later transfer.
More solid program
The GUI package detects if the Walkman is mounted or not, and if it isn't, it gives you an easy GUI way to mount it. It will unmount it when you quit too. Some nice notification bubbles for you.

Audio encoding and plugin support removed.


0.1 Alpha

Complete rewrite
Massive multiprocessing capability on multi-core machines with multiple files to be processed
Separation between GUI and backend with the ability to run without a GUI
Ability to queue files for later transfer.
More solid program
The GUI package detects if the Walkman is mounted or not, and if it isn't, it gives you an easy GUI way to mount it. It will unmount it when you quit too. Some nice notification bubbles for you.

Audio encoding and plugin support removed.

File Description Downloads
download icon blacklight3-gui_0.1-1_all.deb (md5) blacklight0.1alpha-gui 36
last downloaded 55 weeks ago
download icon blacklight3_0.1-1_all.deb (md5) blacklight0.1alpha-cli 29
last downloaded 51 weeks ago
Total downloads: 65