Blacklight thumbnail

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download icon blacklight3_0.3-2_all.deb (md5) blacklight3 0.3 CLI 388
last downloaded 51 weeks ago
Total downloads: 388

Release notes 

Welcome to Blacklight3 0.3 Release Notes.

Blacklight3 0.3 Copyleft under GPL version 3, 2008-2009.

Note that there is no warranty for this program, to the extent allowed by law.

Libraries and external programs used by this program may have different licenses. Please consult their documentation for more details.

Blacklight3 is written for Linux only. It will not work on Windows or Mac OS, and may not work on Unix.

Blacklight3 is not endorsed or supported by Sony. The names "Sony" and "Walkman", as well as model numbers and features of CPUs, are used only with the intent of advertising compatibility with the products.


A recent version of FFMPEG with support for patent-encumbered formats. Medibuntu's version of FFMPEG in Ubuntu 9.10 is a good start.
Python 2.4 or above (may work on 2.3 as well, but definitely not 2.2.)
Multi-core CPU, multiple CPUs, or Hyperthreading required for true multiprocessing capability.
WARNING: When used in multi-threading mode (the default for multi-core CPUs), all cores will run at 100% capacity. This will generate a lot of heat. To preserve system stability during this time you should assist the computer's own cooling, by opening a window, turning on air-conditioning, or using a laptop cooling pad.

To install this program on Ubuntu, or upgrade from a previous version, just double-click the package and click "Install". It will bring in several dependencies for new installs, and one dependency (ffmpegthumbnailer) if you are upgrading from a previous version.

This is the command-line program, it can be used on its own or in conjunction with a GUI (such as blacklight3gui).

If you are using Ubuntu 9.10, you either need your own custom-compiled version of FFMPEG, or the "libav" packages from the Medibuntu repository. The default FFMPEG in 9.10 and the "unstripped" FFMPEG in the 9.10 repositories are not suitable.

New features in order of implementation:

1. Ability to specify a custom location for FFMPEG. This is an advanced feature, so it is hidden in the file "/etc/blacklight3.ffmpeg". By default it is the normal ffmpeg in $PATH; you can change this to point to a custom one if you desire.

2. Blacklight3 will now generate thumbnails for all your videos, excluding WMVs (which you can't create on Linux anyway).

Bug fixes:

1. Blacklight3 now reports its version number as 1.3 when run from the command-line with the --version argument. Blacklight 0.2 reported itself as "1.1" which was incorrect.

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View the full changelog

Blacklight 3
1.3 - Ubuntu 9.10's FFMPEG does not include AAC encoding ability due to licensing problems. You need to use Medibuntu's version of FFMPEG which now includes AAC encoding, or compile your own ffmpeg and put its location into $PATH or /etc/blacklight3.ffmpeg. Blacklight3 1.3 now has the ability to look at that file to see where your preferred ffmpeg is. Fixed issue where Blacklight would report its version as "1.1".

The biggest new feature is the thumbnail generation. Blacklight will automatically generate thumbnails for your video files if they are not present. This requires ffmpegthumbnailer.

1.2 - Add the feature of being able to specify the VIDEO directory of the Walkman, in case Blacklight can't work it out (--path). Also add "--high-quality" option that works only with the X-series Walkmans. Version numbering jump is because of a mistake on my part with an earlier package.

1.0.1 - FFmpeg devs changed the name of the format from "aac" back to "libfaac". Earlier Blacklights could work with either. I added this feature again. Now Blacklight3 works on Ubuntu 8.10.

1.0 - Initial release

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