
Registered by Andrea Corbellini

A stylish tool to create really cool presentations.

A4 is an editor and viewer of presentations. Differently from tools like OpenOffice.org Impress or Microsoft Powerpoint, A4 includes the whole presentation in a single, endless virtual canvas. Instead of creating boring slides, you can choose a sequence of regions where the view should focus during your presentation.

Transitions between regions are automagically done by A4 that will link them using animations that will make your presentation really cool and clean.

Disclaimer: No Perl programmers were harmed while writing this software.

= Get it =

The A4 PPA contains the latest deb packages for Ubuntu. Check it out at https://launchpad.net/~a4-dev/+archive/a4-ppa ! If you are using a different distribution or operating system, check the downloads page: https://launchpad.net/a4/+download.

= Status =

Being under active development, currently A4 is just a viewer, but the editor will be implemented soon. The final A4 release will give you a full player and editor, and the possibility to incorporate videos, images and audio in your presentations.

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A4 Developers
A4 Developers

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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Latest version is 0.03

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  • A4 0.03 is out! on 2010-10-12
    The A4 Development Team is proud to introduce you the second alpha-stable (ci...
  • A4 0.02 is out! on 2010-07-12
    The A4 Development Team is proud to introduce you the second alpha-stable (ci...
  • A4 0.01 is out! on 2010-06-16
    The A4 Development Team is proud to introduce you the first alpha-stable (cit...