The purpose of this team is to translate ubuntu to the Walser language. Walser is a highest alemanic language spoken mainly in the south of Switzerland and rarely in some parts of Italy, Lichtenstein, Austria and Germany. The launchpad companion team is located at

The translation guidelines can be accessed through If you are interessted to help in translating software to the Walser language, please join both groups (lp-l10n-wae , ubuntu-l10n-wae) and subscripe to the mailing lists (<email address hidden> , <email address hidden>). Every help is appreciated and we are happy to help you with your first translation steps.

The work on the glibc locales for wae_CH are finished and waiting for approval by the glibc maintainers. We hope that they can be included in glibc's trunk until the end of 2011.

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Mailing list

mail ubuntu-l10n-wae@juju-7df01d-qastaging-launchpad-6
Policy: You must be a team member to subscribe to the team mailing list.
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