PPA packages

19 of 9 results
Name Uploaded to Version When Failures
wget Andrey 'sshd' Petrenko - Ubuntu Jaunty 1.12-1ubuntu2 None
wireshark Andrey 'sshd' Petrenko - Ubuntu Jaunty 1.2.2ubuntu1 None
gadmin-proftpd Andrey 'sshd' Petrenko - Ubuntu Jaunty 0.3.8-1ubuntu1 None
gadmin-openvpn-client Andrey 'sshd' Petrenko - Ubuntu Jaunty 0.0.7-1 None
vsftpd Andrey 'sshd' Petrenko - Ubuntu Jaunty 2.2.0-1 None
tcpdump Andrey 'sshd' Petrenko - Ubuntu Jaunty 4.0.0-2ubuntu3 None
gadmin-squid Andrey 'sshd' Petrenko - Ubuntu Jaunty 0.1.1-1ubuntu2 None
nmap Andrey 'sshd' Petrenko - Ubuntu Jaunty 5.00-1ubuntu6 None
nmap Andrey 'sshd' Petrenko - Ubuntu Karmic 5.00-1ubuntu2 None
19 of 9 results