PPA packages

150 of 358 results
Name Uploaded to Version When Failures
libvirt PPA for Soren Hansen - Ubuntu Focal 6.0.0-0ubuntu8.1ppa1 None
libmemcached PPA for client 479772 - Ubuntu Precise 1.0.8-1ubuntu2~ppa1 None
vm-builder PPA for Soren Hansen - Ubuntu Lucid 0.12.4+r488-0ubuntu0+10.04+ppa1~lucid1 None
nsca PPA for Linux2Go - Ubuntu Precise 2.9.1-2ubuntu1~precise1 None
ruby1.8 PPA for Soren Hansen - Ubuntu Raring None
qemu-kvm Network hang fix v2 - Ubuntu Quantal 1.2.0+noroms-0ubuntu2.12.10.4 None
qemu-kvm Network hang fix v2 - Ubuntu Precise 1.0+noroms-0ubuntu14.9 None
wine1.4 PPA for Soren Hansen - Ubuntu Precise 1.4-0ubuntu4.3 None
sqlalchemy Folsom Proposed updates - Ubuntu Precise 0.7.8-1~folsom1 None
python-django-appconf Folsom Proposed updates - Ubuntu Precise 0.5-0ubuntu2~folsom1 None
python-django-compressor Folsom Proposed updates - Ubuntu Precise 1.1.2-0ubuntu5~folsom1 None
python-django Folsom Proposed updates - Ubuntu Precise 1.4.1-2~folsom1 None
python-django-openstack-auth Folsom Proposed updates - Ubuntu Precise 1.0.1-0ubuntu6~folsom1 None
cliff-tablib Folsom Proposed updates - Ubuntu Precise 1.0-0ubuntu3~folsom1 None
qemu-kvm kvm networking hang - Ubuntu Precise 1.0+noroms-0ubuntu14.2~test2 None
python-tablib Folsom Proposed updates - Ubuntu Precise 0.9.11-0ubuntu1~folsom1 None
python-cliff Folsom Proposed updates - Ubuntu Precise 1.1.2-0ubuntu2~folsom1 None
python-jsonschema Folsom Proposed updates - Ubuntu Precise 0.2-1~folsom1 None
python-mock Folsom Proposed updates - Ubuntu Precise 0.8.0-2~folsom1 None
prettytable Folsom Proposed updates - Ubuntu Precise 0.6-1ubuntu1~folsom1 None
pep8 Folsom Proposed updates - Ubuntu Precise 1.2-1~folsom1 None
python-warlock Folsom Proposed updates - Ubuntu Precise 0.1.0-0ubuntu1~folsom1 None
qemu-kvm Proposed updates to release - Ubuntu Precise 1.0+noroms-0ubuntu16+cisco1 None
apt-cacher-ng Proposed updates to release - Ubuntu Precise 0.7.3-1ubuntu1 None
qemu-kvm Continuous Integration - Ubuntu Precise 1.0+noroms-0ubuntu13+cisco1 None
horizon OpenStack bleeding edge PPA (deprecated) - Ubuntu Oneiric 2012.2~f2~20120529.1772-0ubuntu0~oneiric171 None
horizon OpenStack bleeding edge PPA (deprecated) - Ubuntu Precise 2012.2~f2~20120529.1772-0ubuntu0~precise171 None
python-novaclient OpenStack bleeding edge PPA (deprecated) - Ubuntu Precise 2012.2~f2~20120525.585-0ubuntu0~precise41 None
python-novaclient OpenStack bleeding edge PPA (deprecated) - Ubuntu Oneiric 2012.2~f2~20120525.585-0ubuntu0~oneiric41 None
glance OpenStack bleeding edge PPA (deprecated) - Ubuntu Precise 2012.2~f2~20120524.1548-0ubuntu0~precise153 None
glance OpenStack bleeding edge PPA (deprecated) - Ubuntu Oneiric 2012.2~f2~20120524.1548-0ubuntu0~oneiric153 None
glance OpenStack proposed milestone PPA (deprecated) - Ubuntu Precise 2012.2~f1~20120524.r1539-0ubuntu0~precise150 None
glance OpenStack proposed milestone PPA (deprecated) - Ubuntu Oneiric 2012.2~f1~20120524.r1539-0ubuntu0~oneiric150 None
horizon OpenStack proposed milestone PPA (deprecated) - Ubuntu Oneiric 2012.2~f1~20120523.r1755-0ubuntu0~oneiric162 None
horizon OpenStack proposed milestone PPA (deprecated) - Ubuntu Precise 2012.2~f1~20120523.r1755-0ubuntu0~precise162 None
python-novaclient OpenStack proposed milestone PPA (deprecated) - Ubuntu Precise 2012.2~f1~20120523.r581-0ubuntu0~precise39 None
python-novaclient OpenStack proposed milestone PPA (deprecated) - Ubuntu Oneiric 2012.2~f1~20120523.r581-0ubuntu0~oneiric39 None
python-keystoneclient OpenStack proposed milestone PPA (deprecated) - Ubuntu Oneiric 2012.2~f1~20120523.r107-0ubuntu0~oneiric17 None
python-keystoneclient OpenStack proposed milestone PPA (deprecated) - Ubuntu Precise 2012.2~f1~20120523.r107-0ubuntu0~precise17 None
python-keystoneclient OpenStack bleeding edge PPA (deprecated) - Ubuntu Precise 2012.2~f1~20120518.107-0ubuntu0~precise16 None
python-keystoneclient OpenStack bleeding edge PPA (deprecated) - Ubuntu Oneiric 2012.2~f1~20120518.107-0ubuntu0~oneiric16 None
nova OpenStack bleeding edge PPA (deprecated) - Ubuntu Oneiric 2012.2~f1~20120427.13847-0ubuntu0~oneiric434 None
nova OpenStack bleeding edge PPA (deprecated) - Ubuntu Precise 2012.2~f1~20120427.13847-0ubuntu0~precise434 None
apt-cacher-ng PPA for Soren Hansen - Ubuntu Precise 0.7.3-1ubuntu1 None
nova OpenStack proposed milestone PPA (deprecated) - Ubuntu Oneiric 2012.1~rc4~20120404.r13544-0ubuntu0~oneiric313 None
nova OpenStack proposed milestone PPA (deprecated) - Ubuntu Precise 2012.1~rc4~20120404.r13544-0ubuntu0~precise313 None
keystone OpenStack proposed milestone PPA (deprecated) - Ubuntu Precise 2012.1~rc2~20120404.r2201-0ubuntu0~precise70 None
keystone OpenStack proposed milestone PPA (deprecated) - Ubuntu Oneiric 2012.1~rc2~20120404.r2201-0ubuntu0~oneiric70 None
swift OpenStack bleeding edge PPA (deprecated) - Ubuntu Precise 1.4.10~20120402.1795-0ubuntu0~precise34 None
150 of 358 results