Publishing details


cdemu-client (3.2.5-1ubuntu1+20.04.sav0) focal; urgency=low

  * Build for SavOS multimedia PPA (ppa:savoury1/multimedia):
    - Merge of ppa:cdemu/ppa and DMO ( packages
  * debian/control: Set debhelper-compat (= 10) for maximum compatibility
    - Sort BDs and PDs in single dependency per line format (better diffs)
    - Drop versioning for python3 BD and unneeded X-Python3-Version field
    - Use ${source:Synopsis} and ${source:Extended-Description format
    - Make PDs as simple as possible (remove those pulled by other deps)
    - Bump to {cdemu-daemon,gcdemu} (>= 3.2.0) PD/Recommends respectively
    - Switch maintainer to myself, add previous maintainer as Rok Mandeljc
  * debian/rules: Re-order targets and drop trailing whitespace
    - Add override_dh_missing target with --fail-missing
  * debian/watch: Use correct latest SourceForge download URL
  * debian/changelog: Fix line spacing and date format as needed
  * debian/copyright: Include Upstream-{Name,Contact} fields
    - Update copyright names and years based on merged package
    - Add myself to debian/* paragraph due above changes

 -- Rob Savoury <email address hidden>  Sun, 27 Nov 2022 18:02:30 -0800


Built packages

Package files