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1 package
Name Uploaded to Version When Failures
systemd Ubuntu Jammy 249.5-2ubuntu2 None

PPA packages

Displaying first 10 packages out of 32 total
Name Uploaded to Version When Failures
gst-plugins-base1.0 Misc packages for Halium - Ubuntu Bionic 1.14.5-0ubuntu1~18.04.1+peat2 None
network-manager Misc packages for Halium - Ubuntu Bionic 1.10.6-2ubuntu1.1+peat1 None
gst-plugins-bad1.0 Staging area for "Ubports overlay PPA" by peat - Ubuntu Vivid 1.8.2-1ubuntu0.2ubports1 None
ofono Custom package for LG L90 Dual's Ubuntu touch (Test PPA) - Ubuntu Vivid 1.17.bzr6921+15.04.20160819.6-0ubuntu1peat10 None
libhybris Custom package for LG L90 Dual's Ubuntu touch (Test PPA) - Ubuntu Vivid 0.1.0+p16.04+git20170604.0944-0~vivid1 None
initramfs-tools-ubuntu-touch Ubports overlay PPA - Ubuntu Vivid 0.94vivid5ubports1 None
initramfs-tools-ubuntu-touch Custom package for Fairphone 2's Ubuntu touch (Test PPA) - Ubuntu Vivid 0.94vivid5peat1 None
libhybris Ubports overlay PPA - Ubuntu Xenial 0.1.0+git20151016+6d424c9-0ubuntu24~xenial1ubports1 None
qtdeclarative-opensource-src Custom package for LG L90 Dual's Ubuntu touch (Test PPA) - Ubuntu Vivid 5.4.1-1ubuntu11~overlay9~1peat10 None
repowerd Custom package for Fairphone 2's Ubuntu touch (Test PPA) - Ubuntu Vivid 2016.10.1+15.04.20161207-0ubuntu1peat3 None