Owned teams

Team owners are not always team members. The team participation page shows the teams that Ken VanDine is a member of.

124 of 24 teams
Name Summary
Canonical Desktop Team Canonical employees on the Ubuntu Desktop Team. People wo...
Canonical LibreOffice Builds Staging PPA for LibreOffice archive builds
Desktop Snappers Team
Foresight Foresight Linux
Foresight Bugs
Foresight Developers
Foresight Members
Gwibber Bug Heros Gwibber team responsible for triaging bugs.
Gwibber Daily builds Daily builds of Gwibber
Gwibber Team People who care about gwibber.
gwibber-committers Subset of gwibber team, people with commit access to "tru...
Mozilla snaps
PS Project Management Team
pyexiv2 developers
Super Friends
system-apps-team Jenkaas for system-apps
Ubuntu App Cats "Cat : A person generally considered or thought to be coo...
Ubuntu Core Apps Reviewers
Ubuntu Quality https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam The Ubuntu quality team is...
xsplash team
124 of 24 teams