Hello world.
I'm just a random guy from Holland, working in IT security field as software developer, FOSS minded throughout all of that. :)
You'll find me on...
- My blog: https://blog.g3rt.nl/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/gertvdijk
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/gert-van-dijk/22/533/16a
- GitHub: https://github.com/gertvdijk
Fields of interests/expertise:
- Debian / Ubuntu
- Git
- Python (Django)
- KVM virtualization
- Networking
- Security
- MariaDB / MySQL / Percona toolkit
- PostgreSQL
- Kopano (Zarafa) Collaboration Platform
- Ansible
- Packaging (Debian, Python)
Some noteworthy stuff I'm a happy user of: Ansible, KDE, OpenWRT, security devices like ePass2003 / Smartcard-HSM / Yubikey.
User information
- Launchpad Id:
- gertvdijk
- Email:
- Log in for email information.
- Member since:
- 2008-09-30
- Signed Ubuntu Code of Conduct:
- Yes
- Languages:
- Dutch, English, English (United Kingdom)
- OpenPGP keys:
- BB0FCCD100FB082FD67EFBF9B90E30CBA08C9903
- Time zone:
- Europe/Amsterdam (UTC+0100)
- Karma:
- 0 Karma help
Latest memberships
Gert van Dijk is not an active member of any Launchpad teams.