Uploaded packages

150 of 171 results
Name Uploaded to Version When Failures
reprepro Ubuntu Bionic 5.1.1-1ubuntu18.04.1 None
systemd Ubuntu Kinetic 249.11-0ubuntu4 None
debhelper Ubuntu Bionic 13.6ubuntu1~bpo18.04.1 None
debhelper Ubuntu Focal 13.6ubuntu1~bpo20.04.1 None
lightdm Ubuntu Focal 1.30.0-0ubuntu4~20.04.2 None
lightdm Ubuntu Hirsute 1.30.0-0ubuntu4.21.04.1 None
lightdm Ubuntu Impish 1.30.0-0ubuntu4.21.10.1 None
lightdm Ubuntu Jammy 1.30.0-0ubuntu5 None
systemd Ubuntu Hirsute 247.3-3ubuntu3.6 None
systemd Ubuntu Focal 245.4-4ubuntu3.13 None
systemd Ubuntu Bionic 237-3ubuntu10.52 None
procps Ubuntu Impish 2:3.3.17-5ubuntu3 None
ubuntu-dev-tools Ubuntu Impish 0.183ubuntu1 None
systemd Ubuntu Groovy 246.6-1ubuntu1.5 None
systemd Ubuntu Impish 248.3-1ubuntu2 None
sshuttle Ubuntu Focal 0.78.5-1ubuntu1.2 None
sshuttle Ubuntu Groovy 1.0.4-1ubuntu4.20.10.1 None
sshuttle Ubuntu Hirsute 1.0.4-1ubuntu4.21.04.1 None
sshuttle Ubuntu Impish 1.0.5-1ubuntu3 None
gzip Ubuntu Bionic 1.6-5ubuntu1.1 None
python-a38 Ubuntu Impish 0.1.3-1ubuntu1 None
scapy Ubuntu Hirsute 2.4.4-4ubuntu1.1 None
initramfs-tools Ubuntu Bionic 0.130ubuntu3.12 None
initramfs-tools Ubuntu Focal 0.136ubuntu6.5 None
initramfs-tools Ubuntu Groovy 0.137ubuntu12.1 None
systemd Ubuntu Xenial 229-4ubuntu21.31 None
corosync Ubuntu Hirsute 3.1.0-2ubuntu3 None
initramfs-tools Ubuntu Hirsute 0.139ubuntu2 None
corosync Ubuntu Bionic 2.4.3-0ubuntu1.2 None
corosync Ubuntu Focal 3.0.3-2ubuntu2.1 None
corosync Ubuntu Groovy 3.0.3-2ubuntu3.1 None
python-etcd3gw Ubuntu Hirsute 0.2.5-1ubuntu1 None
knockd Ubuntu Bionic 0.7-1ubuntu1.18.04.3 None
knockd Ubuntu Focal 0.7-1ubuntu3.20.04.1 None
knockd Ubuntu Groovy 0.7-1ubuntu3.20.10.1 None
software-properties Ubuntu Hirsute 0.99.7 None
ubuntu-dev-tools Ubuntu Hirsute 0.178ubuntu1 None
knockd Ubuntu Hirsute 0.7-1ubuntu4 None
sshuttle Ubuntu Xenial 0.76-1ubuntu1.2 None
haveged Ubuntu Groovy 1.9.8-4ubuntu3 None
nvme-cli Ubuntu Bionic 1.5-1ubuntu1.1 None
nvme-cli Ubuntu Focal 1.9-1ubuntu0.1 None
nvme-cli Ubuntu Groovy 1.12-1ubuntu1 None
rpcbind Ubuntu Xenial 0.2.3-0.2ubuntu0.16.04.1 None
umockdev Ubuntu Bionic 0.11.1-1ubuntu0.1 None
umockdev Ubuntu Focal 0.14.1-1ubuntu0.1 None
umockdev Ubuntu Groovy 0.14.2-1ubuntu1 None
software-properties Ubuntu Groovy 0.99.2 None
rpcbind Ubuntu Bionic 0.2.3-0.6ubuntu0.18.04.1 None
probert Ubuntu Focal 0.0.18build1 None
150 of 171 results