Owned teams

Team owners are not always team members. The team participation page shows the teams that Christophe CHAUVET is a member of.

114 of 14 teams
Name Summary
Dream Team This team maintain an unofficial version for OpenObject
Mirounga AS Commiter Core commiter to the Mirounga AS Project
OpenERP Messaging Commiter This team can commit on the repository for project OpenER...
OpenERP Messaging Expert This team manage the messaging module for OpenERP
OpenERP WMS Commiter
OpenObject Library
PDI Connector Commiter This team can commit in PDI Connector project
PDI Connector Team This team manage serie, bug, blueprint for the PDI connector
Python Jasper Team This team manage the development of th Python Jasper Library
Ratis Team This team can manage the Ratis Project for OpenObject
SISTHEO SISTHEO Team http://www.sistheo.com/
Syleam Training Team This team is used in training
Syleam's employee SYLEAM Info Services Team http://www.syleam.fr/ For fren...
114 of 14 teams