Weather wallpaper 0.2.0

Milestone information

Weather wallpaper
Raúl González Duque
Release registered:
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Release notes 

v0.2.0 - September 3, 2007
    * Added imperial units (Thanks to Og B. Maciel)
    * Works on KDE
    * Added a GUI to change preferences
    * Can set a proxy (Thanks to Nijskens Raf and Frederic Descamps)
    * Can move the info on the screen to the position wanted by the user
    * Added option to update whenever the user wants
    * Get the size of the screen using gtk (Thanks to Gergely Nagy)
    * Changed fog icons
    * Bugfixes


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v0.2.0 - September 3, 2007
    * Added imperial units (Thanks to Og B. Maciel)
    * Works on KDE
    * Added a GUI to change preferences
    * Can set a proxy (Thanks to Nijskens Raf and Frederic Descamps)
    * Can move the info on the screen to the position wanted by the user
    * Added option to update whenever the user wants
    * Get the size of the screen using gtk (Thanks to Gergely Nagy)
    * Changed fog icons
    * Bugfixes

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

There are no feature specifications or bug tasks targeted to this milestone. The project's maintainer, driver, or bug supervisor can target specifications and bug tasks to this milestone to track the things that are expected to be completed for the release.

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