Change log for ubuntu-ui-toolkit package in Ubuntu

150 of 178 results
Deleted in artful-release (Reason: obsoleted product, incompatible with Qt5.9; LP: #1711204)
Superseded in artful-release
Deleted in artful-proposed (Reason: moved to release)
ubuntu-ui-toolkit (1.3.2190+17.04.20170327ubuntu1) artful; urgency=medium

  * Drop upstart dependency from ubuntu-ui-toolkit-autopilot, as it is
    going away.

 -- Dimitri John Ledkov <email address hidden>  Mon, 24 Apr 2017 10:32:45 +0100
Superseded in artful-release
Obsolete in zesty-release
Deleted in zesty-proposed (Reason: moved to release)
ubuntu-ui-toolkit (1.3.2190+17.04.20170327) zesty; urgency=medium

  [ Christian Dywan ]
  * Make AdaptivePageLayout handle layoutDirection out of the box.
  * Change layoutDirection from gallery (via UCApplication). Fixes LP: #1666869
  * Use layoutDirection to select icon for Back button. Fixes LP: #1665938
  * Ellipsize subtitle in the PageHeader. Fixes LP: #1660390

  [ Albert Astals Cid ]
  * Fix regression that broke BorderImage. Fixes LP: #1671449

 -- Zoltán Balogh <email address hidden>  Mon, 27 Mar 2017 09:27:32 +0000
Superseded in zesty-release
Deleted in zesty-proposed (Reason: moved to release)
ubuntu-ui-toolkit (1.3.2184+17.04.20170306) zesty; urgency=medium

  [ Adnane Belmadiaf ]
  * Add support for CheckBox label when set
  * Add more tests for checkbox. Fixes LP: #1333228, LP: #1442851.
  * Make sure we resets partial text input from the input method.
    Fixes LP: #1630872.
  * Fix ListItem title/subtitle alignment & elide in RTL mode.
    Fixes LP: #1665944.
  * Fix PageHeader title alignment & elide in RTL mode. Fixes LP: #1665942.
  * Fix UbuntuListView docs. Fixes LP: #1486940.
  * Add count prop to OptionSelector. Fixes LP: #1341559.
  * Replace the hardcoded color with a theme color. Fixes LP: #1664758.
  * Fix the import statement for Menu, MenuBar and MenuGroup.
    Fixes LP: #1660604.

  [ Albert Astals Cid ]
  * Fix memory leak in UCStyleHints
  * ThinDivider: Anchors can't be null, set to undefined
  * No need to call UCUnits::resolveResource to learn we just need to load it
    normally because the fact that we already loaded it normally means we need
    to load it normally. Fixes LP: #1558663.
  * Fix conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)

  [ Christian Dywan ]
  * Initialize UCApplication with no side effects. Fixes LP: #1662868.
  * Unit test case insensitive FilterBehavior.pattern. Fixes LP: #1663924.
  * ListItemPopover delegate should (in)visible as per action Bug 1662220:
    [ListItem] Popupmenu shows traces of disabled actions

  [ Olivier Tilloy ]
  * Check that window is not null before accessing its activeFocusItem property.
    Fixes LP: #1664620.

  [ Lukáš Tinkl ]
  * Unbreak the startup race between unity8/qtmir and UITK trying talk to
    content-hub. Fixes LP: #1663106.

 -- Zoltán Balogh <email address hidden>  Mon, 06 Mar 2017 16:04:56 +0000
Superseded in zesty-release
Deleted in zesty-proposed (Reason: moved to release)
ubuntu-ui-toolkit (1.3.2166+17.04.20170130) zesty; urgency=medium

  [ Andrea Bernabei ]
  * ListItemLayout documentation: fix typo in color usage of a code example.
    Fixes LP: #1561861

  [ Zsombor Egri ]
  * Get tst_listitem_focus_13 back alive. Fixes LP: #1624331.

  [ Arthur Mello ]
  * Add support for interacting with Content Hub Clipboard UI via DBus calls.
    Fixes LP: #1563440.

  [ Daniel d'Andrada ]
  * If GRID_UNIT_PX set, always use it. It should override scaling information
    from the QPA.

  [ Adnane Belmadiaf ]
  * Expose append method in TextArea. Fixes LP: #1658121.

  [ Tim Peeters ]
  * Toolbar visual refresh to scroll the icons instead of using an overflow
    panel. Fixes LP: #1558018.
  * Add missing dependency for the UITK gallery. Fixes lLP: #1640135

  [ Sergio Cazzolato ]
  * This change is done to remove the dependencies with upstart in the tests.
    To start apps with env vars is gonna be used the launch_test_application
    method provided by autopilot in its test base class which is a wrapper for
    the ubuntu-app-launch tools (API). This change removes all the dependencies
    with upstart, so all the projects which are using the initctl api and
    fixtures will be impacted. An update in the documentation or in the blog is
    gonna be done also to communicate this change to the developers.

  [ Christian Dywan ]
  * Add visualRoot property to MainWindow. Fixes LP: #1504551, LP: #1656857.
  * Add python3-debian to control.gles and harden
  * Add organizationName property to MainWindow
  * Add MainWindow to Ubuntu.Components.Labs.
    Fixes LP: #1573118, LP: #1587431, LP: #1647415

  [ Albert Astals Cid ]
  * Labs is at 1.0.
  * You can't save the focus after the popup/dialog has been created, at that
    stage the dialog has focus already, you need to do it before creating it.

 -- Zoltán Balogh <email address hidden>  Mon, 30 Jan 2017 11:30:03 +0000
Superseded in zesty-release
Deleted in zesty-proposed (Reason: moved to release)
ubuntu-ui-toolkit (1.3.2151+17.04.20161223build1~3) zesty; urgency=medium

  * No change rebuild

 -- Timo Jyrinki <email address hidden>  Wed, 04 Jan 2017 08:54:59 +0200
Superseded in zesty-release
Deleted in zesty-proposed (Reason: moved to release)
ubuntu-ui-toolkit (1.3.2151+17.04.20161223) zesty; urgency=medium

  [ Zsombor Egri ]
  * Enable mouse, touchpad and keyboard detection in UITK. Fixes LP: #1536669
  * Colors revisited.
  * Qt5.7 related fix for theming - by Glen Whitney.

  [ Timo Jyrinki ]
  * parent = Q_NULLPTR instead of 0. Fixes LP: #1642617
  * More blank lines. Fixes LP: #1642622
  * Drop tst_pickerpanel.11.qml (deprecated).

  [ Christian Dywan ]
  * Include OSK input in TextArea.displayText. Fixes LP: #1595910

  * Drop questionable color tests from tst_textarea.11.qml. Fixes LP: #1624342

  [ Lukáš Tinkl ]
  * Fix slider progress rect with RTL languages.

 -- Marco Trevisan (Treviño) <>  Fri, 23 Dec 2016 14:52:55 +0000
Superseded in zesty-release
Deleted in zesty-proposed (Reason: moved to release)
ubuntu-ui-toolkit (1.3.2141+16.10.20161013.5) yakkety; urgency=medium

  [ Zsombor Egri ]
  * Do not show focus frame on ListItem when clicked. Fixes LP: #1628855
  * Fix color used to test ListItem.highlighted. Fixes LP: #1624328

  [ Christian Dywan ]
  * Don't skip the entirety of tst_textfield.11.qml. Fixes LP: #1624340

  [ Andrea Bernabei ]
  * SlotsLayout: do not set mainSlot's implicitSize, set its real size instead
    Fixes LP: #1630167.

  [ Tim Peeters ]
  * Enable proper focus handling in the scrolling ActionBar. Fixes LP: #1575893

 -- Zoltán Balogh <email address hidden>  Thu, 13 Oct 2016 17:16:31 +0000
Superseded in zesty-proposed
Superseded in zesty-release
Obsolete in yakkety-release
Deleted in yakkety-proposed (Reason: moved to release)
ubuntu-ui-toolkit (1.3.2135+16.10.20161003.1) yakkety; urgency=medium

  [ Christian Dywan ]
  * Fix warning about using implicit char* to QString conversion.
  * __styleInstance may be null, when doesn't handle that. Fixes LP: #1586013
  * Focus ring, arrow keys and space to expand OptionSelector.
    Fixes LP: #1514860
  * Use QStringLiteral with QString.replace. Fixes LP: #1625507
  * Use displayText to determine if the clear button should show.
    Fixes LP: #1461571
  * && escapes an ampersand used in a mnemonic label. Fixes LP: #1587580
  * Try harder to pass an item to QuickUtils.rootItem. Fixes LP: #1586013

  [ Timo Jyrinki ]
  * Enable arm64 unit tests on xenial and newer. Fixes LP: #1580172.
  * Add initial snapcraft.yaml

  [ Marco Trevisan ]
  * UCSlotsLayout: update the size of the element when top/bottom paddings change.
    Fixes LP: #1628161

  [ Tim Peeters ]
  * Ensure that the model in TabBarStyle is a list and not null.
    Fixes LP: #1622577.
  * Initialize the 'window' context property with null and add MainView 1.3 unit
    tests. Fixes LP: #1610231, LP: #1621509, LP: #1625993.
  * Fix libpng sRGB profile warnings on Yakkety. Fixes LP: #1625137.
  * Disable layouts unit test to work around bug 1625137 on Yakkety.

  [ Zsombor Egri ]
  * Fix AdaptivePageLayout behavior on Qt5.6. Fixes LP: #1585996.
  * Fix property binding restore on theme palette values. Fixes LP: #1570478.
  * Move activeFocusOnTab from style into components. Fixes LP: #1590005.

  [ Loïc Molinari ]
  * Added public headers extra robustness checks. Made use of the qmake
    headersclean feature to check the robustness of our public headers.
  * Excluded LTTng features from non-Linux builds.
  * Moved common C++ configs to ubuntu_common.prf. The common config file
    doesn't add -Werror directly to QMAKE_CXXFLAGS anymore, it sets the
    warnings_are_errors variable so that it is correctly handled by different
    compilers (not just GCC). That allows to remove the
    -Werror=deprecated-declarations flag since warnings_are_errors defines it
    for us. Removed the DEFINES += QT_USE_QSTRINGBUILDER lines since it's
    already handled by qt_module.prf. Set the -Wsuggest-override warning to
  * Cleaned up qmake Ubuntu packaging variables. The qtbase packaging for Ubuntu
    exports the CFLAGS, CXXFLAGS and LFLAGS variables in the environment before
    running configure so that the qtbase shared libraries can be compiled with
    the required distribution defined compiler flags. That is fine (though I
    guess that could be handled better at the qtbase packaging level with maybe
    a dedicated prf) but it results in qt_build_config.prf defining the
    QMAKE_CFLAGS, QMAKE_CXXFLAGS and QMAKE_LFLAGS variables with these
    distribution specific flags. Since we load this prf, these variables end up
    being defined when building the toolkit for development purpose. This is
    problematic because -O2 and -g are always defined (whatever the debug or
    release config chosen by the developer), also these are GCC specific flags
    which makes our build break with other compilers. This is also ugly because
    preprocessor defines are directly set in the QMAKE_C*FLAGS. In order to
    workaround these issues, we unset these variables and set the different
    flags apart from -g and -O2 in the right qmake variables. This allows to
    keep compiling with the Debian flags but in a more flexible way. For the
    Debian packaging, we keep the former behaviour by simply passing the
    debian_build config.
  * Optimised QString code gen for ASCII strings known at compile-time. That
    allows the compiler to optimise our code better by putting all these
    QStrings known at compile time in the .rodata section of the binary as well
    as preventing a bunch of useless processing on them. That also allows us to
    remove "DEFINES -= QT_ASCII_CAST_WARNINGS" from the UbuntuToolkit pro file.

  [ Zoltán Balogh ]
  * Explicit include of cstdio.

  [ Andrea Bernabei ]
  * Qt5.6: Fix expandablescolumn.11 and expandables.11 unit tests
  * Qt5.6 fixes QTBUG-41686 and requires x/y to be explicitly passed.
    Fixes LP: #1610230.
  * Qt5.6: fix Scrollbar unit tests
  * Qt5.6: fix ubuntulistview.10 unit test

 -- Zoltán Balogh <email address hidden>  Mon, 03 Oct 2016 11:39:58 +0000
Superseded in yakkety-release
Deleted in yakkety-proposed (Reason: moved to release)
ubuntu-ui-toolkit (1.3.2104+16.10.20160919.3) yakkety; urgency=medium

  [ Andrea Bernabei ]
  * Scrollbar: more hover related bugfixes and unit tests.
    Fixes: LP: #1616868, LP: #1616926

  [ Christian Dywan ]
  * QuickUtils.rootObject() needs to handle QQuickWindow. Fixes: LP: #1617745
  * Correctly test and fix trigger override of ComboButton. Fixes: LP: #1614045

  [ Zoltan Balogh ]
  Increase the top marging when scrolling upwards. Fixes LP: 1618581

  [ Timo Jyrinki ]
  * Temporarily skip unit tests on xenial while not all MPs to fix Qt 5.6 issues
    have landed yet.

  [ Michael Terry ]
  * Make ActivityIndicator spinner blue instead of orange. Fixes: LP: #1577828.

  [ Loïc Molinari ]
  * Changed src/ directory layout. Made the source directory layout consistent
    with Qt libs. The C++ libraries have been moved to src/ and the QML modules
    to src/imports/. That also makes it easier to differentiate between modules
    and libraries since we have a bunch of them now.
  * Moved internal tools meant to generate code for the toolkit lib from the QML
    module directory to the lib directory where it makes more sense.
  * Fixed the build as a Qt submodule.
  * Fixed, cleaned up and standardised header inclusions. Apart from the clean
    up and the readability improvements, this fixes a bunch of broken private
    header inclusions (#include "foo_p.h" in private headers instead of
    "private/foo_p.h" or better ), now all the private headers of the UITK can
    be included by the users withour compilation issues. It also removes a bunch
    of direct includes from sources and a few INCLUDEPATHs hacks.See the CODING
    file for more details.
  * Cleaned up ubuntu_qt_module.prf and the libs using it.
    1/ Moved the common config options from the pro files to the prf file to
       avoid duplications and simplify the files.
    2/ Removed the useless "TEMPLATE=lib" and "load(qt_build_config)" lines from
       the pro files since it's done for us by qt_module.prf.
    3/ Use QT= instead of QT*= since it's well defined that by default its
       content is "core gui".
    4/ Prefixed headers and sources by $$PWD/ and sorted the lines
    5/ Merged the SOURCES declarations in
    6/ Removed the useless "DEFINES += QT_USE_QSTRINGBUILDER" line from since it's done for us by qt_module.prf.
    7/ Removed the useless "QMAKE_CXXFLAGS -= -Werror=deprecated-declarations"
       and "DEFINES -= QT_DEPRECATED_WARNINGS" lines from
       since it's already done in ubuntu_qt_module.prf.
    8/ Added a few comments.
  * Made use of Qt builtin to check GCC version.

  [ Tim Peeters ]
  * Improve the initialization of Action when it gets both iconName and
    iconSource from an external component when iconSource is undefined. This
    fixes the some times missing overflow button in the ActionBar with Qt 5.6.
    I also removed action: modelData from the OverflowPanel because this is
    already set automatically in ActionSelectionPopover after everything is
    initialized. That fixes a ReferenceError in OverflowPanel with Qt 5.6.
    Fixes: LP: #1616858.
  * Use the new arrow icons from the suru-icon-theme in the scrolling ActionBar.
  * Do not skip Xenial and Yakkety series for running unit tests. Individual
    unit tests that fail with Qt 5.6 have been disabled, and bugs are reported

  [ Zsombor Egri ]
  * New visuals for ProgressBar. Fixes: LP: #1587176.
  * Fix regression on ActionList API. Fixes: bugs 1623841.
  * Do not show focus frame on disabled items. Fixes: bugs 1611327.

 -- Zoltán Balogh <email address hidden>  Mon, 19 Sep 2016 11:52:07 +0000
Superseded in yakkety-release
Deleted in yakkety-proposed (Reason: moved to release)
ubuntu-ui-toolkit (1.3.2085+16.10.20160915) yakkety; urgency=medium

  [ Zsombor Egri ]
  * Fix ActionList API break. (LP: #1623841)

 -- Zoltán Balogh <email address hidden>  Thu, 15 Sep 2016 15:17:27 +0000
Superseded in yakkety-release
Deleted in yakkety-proposed (Reason: moved to release)
ubuntu-ui-toolkit (1.3.2085+16.10.20160831.4) yakkety; urgency=medium

  [ Zoltan Balogh ]
  * Remove the *.la files from the -dev package; they have been obsolete for
    many years, cause dependency trouble.
  * Fix the sscanf and roundf incompatiblity for Yaketty builds

  [ Nick Dedekind ]
  * API for MenuBar, Menus, MenuItem & MenuSeparator.
  * Introduced Action states & ExclusiveGroup action list

  [ Tim Peeters ]
  * Add ScrollingActionBarStyle.

  [ Zsombor Egri ]
  * SplitView to Ubuntu.Components.Labs.
  * Get rid of pragma warning, use standard way to mark an argument unused; fix
    build failure related to static const used in qMin(), happening with Qt5.5.1

  [ Florian Boucault ]
  * ActivityIndicatorStyle: set default size on component instead of style.

  [ Morgan ]
  * Update Popover and ListItem code examples to use the new ListItem and
    ListItemLayout components.

 -- Zoltán Balogh <email address hidden>  Wed, 31 Aug 2016 16:45:18 +0000
Superseded in yakkety-release
Deleted in yakkety-proposed (Reason: moved to release)
ubuntu-ui-toolkit (1.3.2073+16.10.20160824) yakkety; urgency=medium

  [ Zsombor Egri ]
  * No need to check the setting anymore when vibrate. Fixes LP: #1433590.

  [ Albert Astals Cid ]
  * AbstractButton: Bind mouse area signals earlier. Otherwise it can happen that
    someone clicks on button and the binding is still not done, i.e. 22911213 .
    Fixes LP: #1610165.

  [ Christian Dywan ]
  * Fix build warnings.
  * Remove unused Q_Q(UCAbtractButton) declaration.

  [ Larry Price ]
  * Address documentation issue in UbuntuListView - pullToRefresh has "enabled"
    property. Fixes LP: #1387679

  [ Loïc Molinari ]
  * Added new C++ UbuntuMetrics library.
    This library allows the monitoring of various metrics in QtQuick 2
    applications. It allows the logging of different metrics as well as
    overlaying these metrics on top of each QtQuick windows.
  * Added LTTng support to UbuntuMetrics.
  * Added support for logging generic events. Made use of it to log predefined
    ApplicationMonitor events. Predefined events only define UserInterfaceReady
    for now, as it's needed to track start-up time.
  * Wrapped libUbuntuMetrics to QML.

  [ Florian Boucault ]
  * Icon, Switch and ProgressBar: enable use of texture atlas.
  * ActivityIndicator: do not load the image until the ActivityIndicator is
    made visible. Load it asynchronously.

  [ Tim Peeters ]
  * Remove unused CHANGES, CHANGES.syntax and NEWS files.

 -- Zoltán Balogh <email address hidden>  Wed, 24 Aug 2016 11:35:29 +0000
Superseded in yakkety-release
Deleted in yakkety-proposed (Reason: moved to release)
ubuntu-ui-toolkit (1.3.2060+16.10.20160814) yakkety; urgency=medium

  [ Zoltan Balogh ]
  * Fix OptionSelectorTestCase tests.
  * Fix more OptionSelector autopilot tests

  [ Timo Jyrinki ]
  * Disable documentation building for GLES builds. Fixes LP: #1606222.
  * Replace abs with qFabs due to GCC6 breakage. Fixes LP: #1610943.
  * Limit s390x dependencies more due to upstart/s390x problems and removed
    packages in archives. Fixes LP: #1610951

  [ Andrea Bernabei ]
  * ListItemLayout doc: add elide mode change example and add section about
    labels default properties values. Fixes LP: #1603450.
  * ListItemLayout doc: add explicit note about the need to bind ListItem's
    height to layout's height.
  * More Scrollbar optimizations: 20% faster creation time. Fixes LP: #1606451
  * Scrollbar: fix wrong thumb color on tap/mouse release and increase coverage
    of hover states unit tests. Fixes LP: #1608897

  [ Zsombor Egri ]
  * Fix null pointer property initializer used with 1.3 PageWrapper.
    Fixes LP: #1604780.
  * Fix BottomEdge content URL preloading. Fixes LP: #1604509.

  [Albert Astals Cid ]
  * UCUnits::resolveResource: Prefer image path if it exists. This saves
    searching the disk for @gu images, which is a big speedup. According to
    callgrind loading 100 images from a folder that contains 380 images goes
    from around 3 million instructions per UCUnits::resolveResource call down
    to around 10 thousand. This optimization is ok since it is not correct to
    ship both image.png and image@20.png. You either have to ship gu-enabled
    files or not, but mixing them is not allowed. Searched for cases in which
    that may be happening in my phone and found none. Fixes LP: #1604029.

  [ Tim Peeters ]
  * Configure colors of the buttons in the ActionBar and PageHeader through
    their Styles. Fixes LP: #1597774.
  * Fix assigning of constant values to a grouped property in StyleHints.
    Fixes LP: #1602836.
  * Fix list view keyboard navigation for RightToLeft and BottomToTop
    directions. Fixes LP: #1605634
  * Use external QML files instead of embedded QML strings for autopilot tests.
    Fixes LP: #1578319
  * Fix failing autopilot header tests.
  * Fix ActionSelectionPopover Autopilot CPO tests.

  [Christian Dywan ]
  * Include indexes in "offline" docs and filter out link errors.
    Fixes LP: #1603937.
  * Increase focus ring thickness from 1dp to 2dp. Fixes LP: #1602690.
  * Add a snippet about tests to the toplevel README
  * Enter/Return to trigger, Space to expand ComboButton. Fixes LP: #1523817.
  * Initialize engine variable before using it in the _engine case.
  * Use Qt.rgba instead of #0000 checking ListItem default color.
    Fixes LP: #1560004
  * Don't use a different .desktop file in the gallery tests.
    Fixes LP: #1578319
  * Update scaling docs, set QT_SCALE_FACTOR and unset GRID_UNIT_PX.
    Fixes LP: #1610208

  [ Florian Boucault ]
  * Sections: load Icons asynchronously.

 -- Zoltán Balogh <email address hidden>  Sun, 14 Aug 2016 09:06:46 +0000
Superseded in yakkety-proposed
ubuntu-ui-toolkit (1.3.2030+16.10.20160726.15) yakkety; urgency=medium

  * More s390x dependencies workarounding until upstart is really fixed.
  * Replace abs with qFabs due to GCC6 breakage (LP: #1610943)

 -- Timo Jyrinki <email address hidden>  Mon, 08 Aug 2016 13:26:34 +0300
Superseded in yakkety-proposed
ubuntu-ui-toolkit (1.3.2030+16.10.20160726.2) yakkety; urgency=medium

  [ William Hua ]
  * Make qml-module-ubuntu-components-gles depend on

  [ Christian Dywan ]
  * Set default for TextArea.persistentSelection and correct type.
    Fixes LP: #1594400
  * Add version suffix to all unit tests in visual.
  * Stop using macros for namespaces in headers. Fixes LP: #1596536.
  * More robust list and namespace handling in apicheck. Fixes LP: #1595461

  [ Zsombor Egri ]
  * Separate plugin for Ubuntu.Components.Labs.
  * Create separate plugin for Ubuntu.Components.Styles.
  * Move C++ components into UbuntuToolkit library.
  * Remove fw-headers from UbuntuGestures and UbuntuToolkit. We are no longer
    supporting them as public C++ API.

  [ Zoltán Balogh ]
  * Break unity8 with lower version 8.13.

  [ Tim Peeters ]
  * Improve the i18n documentation for plurals. Fixes LP: #1184810
  * Don't get APL subheader colors from MainView AppHeader when there is no
    MainView. Fixes LP: #1588172
  * Add Header.automaticHeight property. Fixes LP: #1540240

  [ Loïc Molinari ]
  * UbuntuShape - Use reference counting to handle shape textures.
    The current shape textures handling system requires to search for the
    textures associated to the current graphics context by doing a search in an
    array for each item at each updatePaintNode() call. It also deletes the
    textures on OpenGLContext::aboutToBeDestroyed() signal emission, which
    appears in some cases to not have any OpenGL context bound.
    We propose an alternative to create and destroy shape textures per material
    creation and destruction with a reference counting mechanism to minimise
    costly calls. We search for the shape textures (hash lookup with an OpenGL
    context pointer as the key) only when a texture material is created or
    deleted, which is much more occasional compared to updatePaintNode() calls.
    That also ensures textures are deleted with the proper OpenGL context bound.
    The only drawback is that shape textures are deleted when there is no shape
    items anymore in a scene and recreated when there is a new one appearing.
    These operations being quite uncommon and relatively fast, the advantages
    seem to be higher than the drawbacks.
  * Expansion of LD_LIBRARY_PATH is broken since it doesn't include a ":", which
    means PerformanceMetrics path, which is at the end, is actually not
    available, nor the current content of LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
    That fixes it using the proper shell expansion syntax.

  [ Timo Jyrinki ]
  * Fix packaging sorting bzr hook to work on bzr branches that are local only.
  * Disable documentation building for GLES builds

  [ Florian Boucault ]
  * ProgressionVisual: do not load the icon until the progression is made
  * Scrollbar: do not load the stepper icon until it is visible.
  * Scrollbar: load stepper icon asynchronously.
  * Icon: only load when completed and therefore avoids multiple reloads caused
    by size changes.

 -- Zoltán Balogh <email address hidden>  Tue, 26 Jul 2016 08:40:14 +0000
Superseded in yakkety-proposed
ubuntu-ui-toolkit (1.3.2009+16.10.20160615.3build1~1) yakkety; urgency=medium

  * Rebuild against Qt 5.6.

 -- Timo Jyrinki <email address hidden>  Wed, 20 Jul 2016 15:20:21 +0300
Superseded in yakkety-release
Deleted in yakkety-proposed (Reason: moved to release)
ubuntu-ui-toolkit (1.3.2009+16.10.20160615.3) yakkety; urgency=medium

  [ Tim Peeters ]
  * Introduce Styles.SectionsStyle. Fixes LP: #1585548
  * Update header contents only after its style was initialized.
    Fixes LP: #1588837
  * Update export_qml_dir.qml to work inside a lxd container.
  * Draw a red outline around the subheader in AdaptivePageLayout to warn that
    the old header is deprecated. Fixes LP: #1583636

  [ Christian Dywan ]
  * Select the current item before adding the test page.
  * Introduce gallery for browsing visual tests.
  * Put Scrollbar in ShaderEffectSource to blend with frame. Fixes LP: #1583543
  * Correctly use build/src dir with unit tests. Fixes LP: #1589982

  [ Florian Boucault ]
  * Do not initialize haptics at startup but only when used for the first time.
  * PageHeadButton: do not load the icon until the button is made visible.

  [ Albert Astals Cid ]
  * Prepend UC_ to performance env vars.
    warning count threshold.
  * Add envvars to change the performance monitor variables.

 -- Zoltán Balogh <email address hidden>  Wed, 15 Jun 2016 18:32:29 +0000
Superseded in yakkety-release
Deleted in yakkety-proposed (Reason: moved to release)
ubuntu-ui-toolkit (1.3.1995+16.10.20160607.1) yakkety; urgency=medium

  [ Albert Astals Cid ]
  * Initialize two variables
      physicallyEnded in the dummy TouchInfo constructor
      m_nextTimeoutTime in the FakeTimer
    It's not really needed since it's only used in update() if start()
    has been called that then initializes m_nextTimeoutTime
    But it's always nice to initialize all members.

  [ Zsombor Egri ]
  * Move PropertyChange into UbuntuToolkit package.

  [ Christian Dywan ]
  * Merge tests/unit and tests/unit_x11. Fixes LP: #1273696
  * UCListItem needs to handle click/trigger by keyboard. Fixes LP: #1581027
  * Remove TARGET pointing at "gallery" script
    qmake can't tell that it's not a generated file. Fixes LP: #1523093.

  [ Zoltan Balogh ]
  * Skip unit tests only on Yakketi. Fixes LP: #1588598

  [ Tarmac, Zoltán Balogh ]
  * OTA12-2016-06-07 landing

 -- Zoltán Balogh <email address hidden>  Tue, 07 Jun 2016 18:25:12 +0000
Superseded in yakkety-release
Deleted in yakkety-proposed (Reason: moved to release)
ubuntu-ui-toolkit (1.3.1988+16.10.20160601) yakkety; urgency=medium

  [ Christian Dywan ]
  * UCAbstractButton needs to accept key release events. Fixes LP: #1581026

  [ Andrea Bernabei ]
  * Documentation: fix missing or outdated imports in QML modules (Popups,
    Pickers, Themes, ListItems), misuse of qdoc API and similar.
    Fixes LP: #1570156, LP: #1585557, LP: #1585585, LP: #1585591.
  * tst_slotslayout: tentative fix for a very rare CI failure.
    Fixes LP: #1571426

  [ Tarmac, Zoltán Balogh ]
  * OTA12-2016-06-01

 -- Zoltan Balogh <email address hidden>  Wed, 01 Jun 2016 11:52:35 +0000
Superseded in yakkety-release
Deleted in yakkety-proposed (Reason: moved to release)
ubuntu-ui-toolkit (1.3.1984+16.10.20160527.2) yakkety; urgency=medium

  [ Christian Dywan ]
  * Slimmer frame for TextFields: 0.5dp. Fixes LP: #1578190.

  [ Albert Astals Cid ]
  * Add override
    The override specifier (since C++11) specifies that a virtual function
    overrides another virtual function. In a member function declaration or
    definition, override ensures that the function is virtual and is overriding
    a virtual function from the base class.

  [ Tim Peeters ]
  * Fix reference error in PullToRefreshStyle. Fixes LP: #1582843
  * Mark Tab, Tabs, TabBar, PageHeadConfiguration, PageHeadSections,
    PageHeadState, ToolbarButton, ToolbarItems as deprecated in the
    documentation. Fixes LP: #1566735, LP: #1566741.

  [ CI Train Bot ]
  * Resync trunk.

 -- Zoltan Balogh <email address hidden>  Fri, 27 May 2016 07:08:44 +0000
Superseded in yakkety-proposed
ubuntu-ui-toolkit (1.3.1979+16.04.20160517.4) yakkety; urgency=medium

  * Rebuild for arm64 gles switch.

 -- Timo Jyrinki <email address hidden>  Tue, 24 May 2016 09:02:46 +0300
Superseded in yakkety-proposed
ubuntu-ui-toolkit (1.3.1979+16.04.20160517.1) xenial; urgency=medium

  [ Tim Peeters ]
  * Fix flickable topMargin adjustments by PullToRefreshStyle.
    Fixes LP: #1578619
  * Postpone setting to true until the components are loaded to
    avoid initialization problems. Fixes LP: #1570886
  * Remove old code from Tabs example. Fixes LP: #1566736

  [ Zsombor Egri ]
  * AdaptivePageLayout vertical divider occludes with ListItem's visuals.
    Fixes LP: #1575060
  * Fix palette colors, add focused palette value set.
    Fixes LP: #1554473, LP: #1555245
  * Fix section colors. Fixes LP: #1582339

  [ Christian Dywan ]
  * TextField flickable mustn't have the height of the parent.
    Fixes LP: #1370557, LP: #1571576
  * ToolbarButton example is specific to 1.3. Fixes LP: #1576463.
  * Size swipe area rectangles relative to the parent.
  * Verify control.gles which isn't picked up automatically. Fixes LP: #1576112
  * Interactive Scrollbar in TextArea with spacing. Fixes LP: #1526726

  [ Lukáš Tinkl ]
  * Fix some image scaling issues by reusing Qt code (QImage instead of QPixmap).
    Fixes LP: #1421293, LP: #1573532.

  [ CI Train Bot ]
  * No-change rebuild.

 -- Zoltan Balogh <email address hidden>  Tue, 17 May 2016 15:50:54 +0000
Superseded in yakkety-proposed
ubuntu-ui-toolkit (1.3.1960+16.04.20160511.4) xenial; urgency=medium

  [ Christian Dywan ]
  * Text input focus must always follow main component

  [ Tim Peeters ]
  * Remove unused dbus import in autopilot helper.

  [ Zsombor Egri ]
  * Fix regression introduced in ComboButton due to the binding loop bug
    on AbstractButton implicit sizes. (LP: #1580627)

 -- Zoltan Balogh <email address hidden>  Wed, 11 May 2016 19:46:58 +0000
Superseded in yakkety-release
Published in xenial-release
Deleted in xenial-proposed (Reason: moved to release)
ubuntu-ui-toolkit (1.3.1918+16.04.20160404-0ubuntu1) xenial; urgency=medium

  [ Benjamin Zeller ]
  * Register expected warning messages in the tree testcase.
  * Add testsuite for Tree. Fixes LP: #1549171.
  * Compile with Qt 5.6. Fixes LP: #1540356
  * More Qt 5.6 fixes.

  [ Michael Terry ]
  * Add grabGesture field to SwipeArea.
  * This field controls whether the SwipeArea takes ownership of the gestures it
    observes. Fixes LP: #1527387.

  [ Timo Jyrinki ]
  * Add additional Breaks as requested by archive admin.
  * Add a test for blocking if packaging not sorted and clean.
  * More package name transitioning, wrap and sort, fix debian/copyright syntax,
    update standards-version, fix devel package sections and add/fix

  [ Olivier Tilloy ]
  * Fix dependencies of the transitional dummy package
    qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-toolkit-plugin. Fixes LP: #1553551.

  [ Christian Dywan ]
  * Rename qtdeclarative5-*-plugin to qml-module-*. Fixes LP: #1342031.
  * Require a qtdeclarative5 known to have the tab fence patch.
  * Reset previous theme version and use UbuntuTestCase in tst_animator.
  * BottomEdge(Hint) focus and close via keyboard. Fixes LP: #1523825
  * Add 1.3 version of UbuntuTestCase.
  * No gdb when running unit tests on armv7l.
  * Build-depend on python3-debian for wrap-and-sort.

  [ XiaoGuo Liu ]
  * Fix AdaptivePageLayout documentation.

  [ Tim Peeters ]
  * Properly disable left/right arrows on sections when at the beginning/end of
    the list. Fixes LP: #1551356.
  * Sections and old AppHeader landscape mode. Fixes LP: #1551341.
  * Set the window color as soon as the window is available, to avoid a
    flickering background when it is updated later.
    Fixes LP: #1439133, LP: #1554897
  * Add theme, style and styleName properties to Dialog and Popover.
    Fixes LP: #1555548
  * Update the gallery script to use the new name of the export script.
  * Export the full list of library paths.
  * Prevent Page geometry changes in APL when changing Pages in a column.
  * Fix typo in DatePickerStyle. Fixes:  LP #1561440.

  [ Zsombor Egri ]
  * ListItem focus navigation in ListView and other views.
    Fixes LP: #1523815, LP: #1536679, LP: #1549733, LP: #1549743
  * BorromEdge.preloadContent. Fixes LP: #1540454.
  * Asynchronous loader (AsyncLoader) using incubator, prerequisite for
    BottomEdge preloading its content. Fixes LP: #1540454.
  * ListView proxy should not consume up/down key events. Fixes LP: #1554447
  * Pick up the right style. Fixes LP: #1555797
  * Label makes sure the color alteration is known by the theming.
    Fixes LP: #1555784
  * Fix AsyncLoader tests so they create slightly less amount of elements.
  * AdaptivePageLayout removes all pages pushed to next columns when
    addPageToNextColumn() is called. Fixes LP: #1544745
  * Fix BottomEdge content discarding.
  * Disconnect enabled signal in Label in destructor, so functor call will not
    be handled when QQuickItem triggers enabled change. Fixes LP: #1560044.

  [ Andrea Bernabei ]
  * UI Gallery: fix vertical alignment of labels in left panel list items.
  * ScrollView: add horizontalScrollbar and verticalScrollbar properties to
    allow custom properties and styling of scrollbars.
  * Change Scrollbar default top and bottom anchor margins. Tests included.

  [ Albert Astals Cid ]
  * Use "/" instead of QDir::separator for building paths that will be passed
    to Qt.
  * Some string optimizations in the icon searching code
  * Improve icon file searching. Leave searching in hicolor to the end. Do not
    search on icon themes we've already searched.

  [ Zoltán Balogh ]
  * Clean up examples.
  * Improve unit test plan tool

  [ Florian Boucault ]
  * Properly disable PerformanceMonitor for toolkit tests only. Re-enable it for
    everything else.

  [ Pierre Bertet ]
  * Fix the lists style in the offline documentation. Fixes LP: #1557472.
  * Make compatible with ZSH.

  [ CI Train Bot ]
  * No-change rebuild.

 -- Zoltan Balogh <email address hidden>  Mon, 04 Apr 2016 04:47:18 +0000
Superseded in xenial-release
Deleted in xenial-proposed (Reason: moved to release)
ubuntu-ui-toolkit (1.3.1872+16.04.20160330.2-0ubuntu1) xenial; urgency=medium

  [ Tim Peeters ]
  * Set the window color as soon as the window is available, to avoid a
    flickering background when it is updated later, plus fix
    to work for xenial on arm. (LP: #1554897, #1439133)

 -- Zoltan Balogh <email address hidden>  Wed, 30 Mar 2016 23:08:38 +0000
Superseded in xenial-release
Deleted in xenial-proposed (Reason: moved to release)
ubuntu-ui-toolkit (1.3.1872+16.04.20160314-0ubuntu1) xenial; urgency=medium

  [ Zoltán Balogh ]
  * land the appstart profiler renamed: app-launch-profiler/app-launch- => app-launch-profiler/app-launch-profiler-lttng
    app-launch-profiler/ => app-launch-

 -- Zoltan Balogh <email address hidden>  Mon, 14 Mar 2016 04:36:11 +0000
Superseded in xenial-release
Deleted in xenial-proposed (Reason: moved to release)
ubuntu-ui-toolkit (1.3.1872+16.04.20160308-0ubuntu1) xenial; urgency=medium

  [ Timo Jyrinki ]
  * Fix gles unit test skipping.
  * Add s390x to the unit test skipping architectures
  * UITK test plan - wily -> xenial. Fixes LP: #1544490

  [ Christian Dywan ]
  * Print errors when QuickUtils fails to create a component.
  * unit tests shouldn't use deprecated Dialog.callera
  * Correctly count only test case results. The result= value is used in suites
    and results.
  * Skip tst_pagehead_visible flakes on non-arm. Fixes LP: #1534651
  * Skip flaky tst_mousefilterTest::doubleClicked. Fixes LP: #1542215
  * Suppress click signal if releasing outside of ListItem. Fixes LP: #1541148.
  * Use gdb in to produce backtraces.
  * Arrow keys change value of a Slider. Fixes LP: #1523824.
  * Only use Maliit when enabled explicitly in the environment

  [ Oliver Tilloy ]
  * Do not try to assign to non-existent property "activeFocusOnPress".
    Fixes LP: #1532953
  * Bubble up ESC key press event if there is no popover to close.
    Fixes LP: #1546627

  [ Loïc Molinari ]
  * Added private items and nodes for the new component styles.
    Fixes LP: #1523836
  * Made use of new private Frame item for the focusing.
  * Fixed performance monitor crash because of a NULL timer pointer dereference.
    Fixes LP: #1546986
  * Fixed performance monitor dangling pointer crash. Fixes LP: #1546984
  * [ProportionalShape] Ensured width/height ratio is correct with default values.
    Fixes LP: #1546546
  * Added a workaround to prevent a crash while changing the QPA scale factor.

  [ Florian Boucault ]
  * Always on performance monitor that logs frames that too long to render.
  * MainView: proceed to selecting the theme automatically at startup too.
    Fixes LP: #1535819
  * MainView: when no gradient color is needed for the background, rely on
    QQuickWindow's GL clear color. Lessens overdraw considerably for most
    apps. Fixes LP: #1439133.
  * Panel: MathUtils used without import prefix was leading to undefined
  * Label: use native rendering on low dpi screens (GRID_UNIT_PX <= 10) for
    sharper looking text.
  * Gallery: added palette browser to Colors page.

  [ Tim Peeters ]
  * Support scrolling in ListViews with horizontal orientation to the
    qquicklistview CPO.
  * Add background to AppHeader and remove contents clipping from MainView.
    Fixes LP: #1531016, LP: #1531457.
  * Hide AppHeader when using AdaptivePageLayout. Fixes bug 1531871.
    Fixes LP: #1531871.
  * Implement horizontal flicking in the flickable autopilot CPO.
  * Re-order to list of pages in the gallery to be alphabetical.
  * Fix the autopilot failures introduced with the horizontal scrolling in
    the Flickable CPO.
  * Update documentation for MainView, Page, AdaptivePageLayout to use the new
    PageHeader in all examples. Deprecate old properties. Fixes LP: #1540574
  * Add 'animate' property to new internal AppHeaderBase, and do not show a
    header animation when starting an app without header.
    Fixes LP: #1518002, LP: #1524901.
  * Use the correct string for skipping tests on x86_64 .
  * Sections scrolling and keyboard navigation. Fixes LP: #1465048, LP: #1489591
  * Fix autopilot color button failure.

  [ Zoltán Balogh ]
  * Create a click packaging project for the UITK Component Gallery.
  * Improve the test plan executor script.

  [ Andrea Bernabei ]
  * Refer to SlotsLayout.Last instead of SlotsLayout.End in SlotsLayout
    documentation. Fixes LP: #1536170.
  * Update "Import Statement:" in docs of Ubuntu.Components. Currently
    Developer's website shows "import Ubuntu.Components 1.2" and "since
    Ubuntu.Components 1.3" and that is confusing for all app developers.
    Fixes LP: #1531817.
  * Fix ListItemLayout multiline labels positioning and add docs about
    aliasing labels properties
  * UbuntuTestCase flick(): default events delay to 1. Fixes LP: #1549256.
  * Add Scrollbar and ScrollView tests plus implementation fixes.

  [ Benjamin Zeller ]
  * Fix Bug lp:1535241 "AdaptivePageLayout first example is badly broken".
    Fixes LP: #1535241.
  * The click project file is should not be part of the UITK project.
  * Move MainViewBase to C++.
  * Move tree.js to C++.
  * Do not leak the incubator pointer in case a QML engine never took care of
    it. Delete the object directly.
  * Move PageWrapper.qml to C++ for 1.3.
  * Add Ubuntu toolkit shared library
  * Move ColorUtils to UbuntuToolkit.
  * Fixes LP: #1540642
  * Make sure objects are initialized with extra properties before they are
    instantiated in the QML engine.
  * Use QQmlProperty::write() instead of QObject::writeProperty()

  [ Zsombor Egri ]
  * Update Palette values for Ubuntu.Components 1.3 and apply the palette on
    components. First set of visual updates including ListItem, Text inputs,
    CheckBox, Switch, Slider, PageHeader, ActionBar and BottomEdge.
    Fixes LP: #1350915.
  * Contextual Actions - shortcut (and mnemonics) handling must obey
    active/inactive contexts, such as Page activation as well as Popups and
    Dialogs. Fixes LP: #1514856.
  * Attach default theme to the QML Engine it creates. Fixes LP: #1527546
  * Palette fix. Update components to use the palette. Fixes LP: #1495477
  * Disable rendering performance logs for the unit tests.
  * Specify message severity for the performance logging category.
  * Link singletons used as context properties in root context of the QML
    Engine to the engine instance. Fixes LP: #1539558.
  * Specify message severity for the performance logging category.
  * Expose Icon.asynchronous property to drive image loading of the icon.
    Fixes LP: #1535480.
  * Redo InverseMosueArea tests to not to use shared view for all the tests.
    Fixes LP: #1544455
  * Get singletons report fatal error in case the parent is null upon first
    creation. Adjust failing test cases. Fixes LP: #1542309
  * Deprecated Theme forces palette to be loaded from 1.2 themes.
    Fixes LP: #1549830
  * Introduce AdaptivePageLayout.asynchronous to the API. Fixes LP: #1540449
  * AbstractButton handles 4x4GU minimal sensing area, exposes sensingMargins
    to extend sensing area even further. Fixes LP:#1468645, LP: #1508114

  [ Albert Astals Cid ]
  * Have a default pixelsPerInch value. Otherwise when running unity8 tests
    under xvfb we get the wrong parameters warning and tests fail.

  [ Robert Ancell ]
  * Fix documentation typo - Ubunut -> Ubuntu.
  * Use new QML package name for qml-module-qtfeedback, drop old QML
    package names.
  * Fix examples using OptionSelectorDelegate that place it in the Toolkit
    namespace but don't have the import to match.

  [ Colin Watson ]
  * Make src/Ubuntu/Test depend on src/Ubuntu/Components, to fix build with
    high parallelisation.

  [ Pierre Bertet on 2016-02-17
  * ComboButton: not based on Button anymore + style update.

  [ CI Train Bot ]
  * No-change rebuild.

 -- Zoltan Balogh <email address hidden>  Tue, 08 Mar 2016 06:45:42 +0000
Superseded in xenial-release
Deleted in xenial-proposed (Reason: moved to release)
ubuntu-ui-toolkit (1.3.1795+16.04.20160106-0ubuntu1) xenial; urgency=medium

  [ Christian Dywan ]
  * Fix typo in $? is the error code, not $*.
  * Document use of RegExpValidator for password/ PIN input.
  * Include filename derived QML class name in .api. Fixes LP: #1527138
  * Use edit-clear for clear button instead of the invalid clear search.
  * No transparency in focus outline.
  * Give the original Toolbar its name back.
  * Fix typo in $? is the error code, not $*.
  * Use resolved filename but add fragment. Fixes LP: #1401920

  [ Zoltán Balogh ]
  * Use build root for the Gestures library instead of relative path.
  * Fix the tests for the gallery change

  [ Zsombor Egri ]
  * Add mnemonics support to Action. Fixes LP: #1527527
  * Use original Image.source in image extension when no scaling is needed in
    order to keep the formatting which would be otherwise removed from a
    resolved file URL. Fixes LP: #1401920
  * Move UbuntuListView 1.3 code into one single file. Fixes LP: #1523815

  [ Albert Astals Cid ]
  * Add UCTestExtras::removeTimeConstraintsFromSwipeArea
    For that needed to move ucswipearea.cpp from UbuntuComponents to
    UbuntuGestures but made it in a private header so we don't have to care much
    for the API/ABI stability for now.

  [ Andrea Bernabei ]
  * make scrollbars tests more robust.

  [ Tim Peeters ]
  * Update font sizes. Fixes LP: #1528263

  [ CI Train Bot ]
  * No-change rebuild.

 -- Zoltan Balogh <email address hidden>  Wed, 06 Jan 2016 04:27:02 +0000
Superseded in xenial-release
Deleted in xenial-proposed (Reason: moved to release)
ubuntu-ui-toolkit (1.3.1778+16.04.20151221-0ubuntu1) xenial; urgency=medium

  [ Tim Peeters ]
  * Fix issue with trigger() for ListItems.Standard. (LP: #1527811)

 -- Zoltan Balogh <email address hidden>  Mon, 21 Dec 2015 21:09:04 +0000
Superseded in xenial-proposed
ubuntu-ui-toolkit (1.3.1778+16.04.20151217.1-0ubuntu1) xenial; urgency=medium

  [ Andrea Bernabei ]
  * Rework Scrollbars and add ScrollView component.

  [ Zsombor Egri ]
  * Refactor UCSwipeAreaPrivate to use QQuickItemPrivate instead of being
    a QObject.

  [ Tim Peeters ]
  * Reduce toolbar height on phone in landscape orientation.
    Fixes LP: #1336793.
  * Introduce the new Toolbar component for the header edit mode.
  * Reduce the PageHeader height by 1 GU on phone in landscape orientation.
    Fixes LP: #1336793
  * Fix AppHeader 1.2 to use the new MathUtils. This fixes a failing autopilot
    CPO test.

  [ Zoltan Balogh ]
  * Do not wipe when provisioning for normal use and improve
    regression detection.
  * Try to link Gestures more explicitely. (kudos to xnox).

  [ Christian Dywan ]
  * Proper keyboard navigation and focus visuals for buttons.
    Fixes LP: #1225139, LP: #1514850
  * Escape should close popover. Fixes LP: #1523828
  * Surround state overloading message with static boolean. Fixes LP: #1523399
  * Don't exit, return 1 from

  [ Michael Sheldon ]
  * Set the activeFocus on the input component when a text input area receive
    focus. Fixes LP: #1518352

  [ Benjamin Zeller ]
  * Move PageTreeNode to C++.
  * Custom property flag needs to be set always even when the value itself does not change.

  [ Albert Astals Cid ]
  * Make some more members slots
    This way we can use them in unity8 to make the drag areas more easily
    testable by making the times to recognize the gestures longer.

  [ CI Train Bot ]
  * No-change rebuild.

 -- Zoltan Balogh <email address hidden>  Thu, 17 Dec 2015 17:13:56 +0000
Superseded in xenial-release
Deleted in xenial-proposed (Reason: moved to release)
ubuntu-ui-toolkit (1.3.1761+16.04.20151216.1-0ubuntu1) xenial; urgency=medium

  [ Zoltán Balogh ]
  * Drop dependency on qtc plugin script and wait for the shell with a local

  [ Christian Dywan ]
  * needs to add subdirs to the libpath. Fixes: LP: #1524710.
  * Explicit click/ touch threshold beyond handler.
  * Enter/Return/Space should trigger() Button. Fixes: LP: #1523794.
  * Only set ppmm in SwipeArea if screen has valid dpi. Fixes: LP: #1525174.

  [ Tim Peeters ]
  * Implement header slot management for convergence:
    - Adapt the number of action slots to the width of the view.
    - When a new action appears, show a quick fade-in.
    - Reverse the order of the actions in the header.
    - Update icon width to 4GU. Fixes: LP: #1428757.
  * To prevent an invalid sectionIndex, reset the value of sectionIndex to -1
    when the model of Sections is changed. Fixes: LP: #1513933.

  [ Loïc Molinari ]
  * UbuntuShape - Cleaned up includes.

  [ Albert Astals Cid ]
  * Simplify logic for emitting draggingChanged/pressedChanged
    No need for a switch that considers the possible cases, just store the
    status before and check after
    Fixes an issue in which the SwipeArea pressedChanged signal was not emitted
    if switching directly from WaitingForTouch to Recognized.
  * Fix memory leak in SwipeArea
    SwipeAreaPrivate is not deleted directly so make it part of the qobject
    hierarchy so it's auto deleted on parent destruction.

  [ Zsombor Egri ]
  * Add reset functionality to Action.shortcut property. Fixes: LP: #1518420.
  * Add contentWidth and contentHeight to Dialog so foreground can be resized.
    Fixes: LP: #1249325.
  * Fixing ListItem.selected and ListItem.selectMode bugs.
    Fixes: LP: #1493880, LP: #1493882, LP: #1514928.
  * Add private implementations to ActionItem, AbstractButton, BottomEdgeHint
    and BottomEdge. Fixes: LP: #1524234
  * Close Popups.Dialog when Esc key is pressed. Fixes LP: #1523833
  * Invoke the overridden trigger() function for Action and ActionItem
    derivates. Fixes LP: #1524234
  * Fix BottomEdge assertion when the content is committed by clicking on the
    hint. Fixes LP: #1524407

  [ CI Train Bot ]
  * No-change rebuild.

Superseded in xenial-release
Deleted in xenial-proposed (Reason: moved to release)
ubuntu-ui-toolkit (1.3.1705+16.04.20151120.1-0ubuntu2) xenial; urgency=medium

  * Rebuild against Qt 5.5.1.
  * Cherry-pick required patches from staging branch:
    - externalimagetype.patch (LP: #1473890)
    - hack-qt55-int.patch (LP: #1484004)
    - workaround_emit.patch (LP: #1507910)

 -- Timo Jyrinki <email address hidden>  Fri, 20 Nov 2015 15:16:08 +0200
Superseded in xenial-release
Deleted in xenial-proposed (Reason: moved to release)
ubuntu-ui-toolkit (1.3.1705+16.04.20151120.1-0ubuntu1) xenial; urgency=medium

  [ Timo Jyrinki ]
  * Update toolkit and gallery po templates and fixes LP: #1517829 (LP:

  [ Zoltán Balogh ]
  * Update toolkit and gallery po templates and fixes LP: #1517829 (LP:

 -- Zoltan Balogh <email address hidden>  Fri, 20 Nov 2015 10:39:29 +0000
Superseded in xenial-release
Deleted in xenial-proposed (Reason: moved to release)
ubuntu-ui-toolkit (1.3.1705+16.04.20151118-0ubuntu1) xenial; urgency=medium

  [ Zoltán Balogh ]
  * Update toolkit and gallery po templates

 -- Zoltan Balogh <email address hidden>  Wed, 18 Nov 2015 06:13:32 +0000
Superseded in xenial-release
Deleted in xenial-proposed (Reason: moved to release)
ubuntu-ui-toolkit (1.3.1705+16.04.20151103-0ubuntu1) xenial; urgency=medium

  [ Zsombor Egri ]
  * Fix Sections sync with PageHeadSections selectedIndex changes. (LP:

 -- Zoltan Balogh <email address hidden>  Tue, 03 Nov 2015 11:16:12 +0000
Superseded in xenial-release
Deleted in xenial-proposed (Reason: moved to release)
ubuntu-ui-toolkit (1.3.1705+16.04.20151031-0ubuntu1) xenial; urgency=medium

  [ CI Train Bot ]
  * Resync trunk. added: po/vi.po

  [ Christian Dywan ]
  * Smaller handlers, entirely draggable caret (LP: #1450222)

  [ Zsombor Egri ]
  * Switch and CheckBox fix when checked is not toggled when clicked()
    signal is emitted. (LP: #1510919)

 -- Zoltan Balogh <email address hidden>  Sat, 31 Oct 2015 04:59:31 +0000
Superseded in xenial-release
Deleted in xenial-proposed (Reason: moved to release)
ubuntu-ui-toolkit (1.3.1688+15.10.20151018.1-0ubuntu1) wily; urgency=medium

  [ Tim Peeters ]
  * Add delegate property to ActionBar.
  * Introduce PageHeader component.
  * Add header property to Page.
    Fixes LP: #1248898, LP: #1350893, LP: #1445016, LP: #1492328
  * Use the correct navigation overflow icon in PageHeader.

  [ Loïc Molinari ]
  * Fixed OpenGL ES 2 mipmap fallback. OpenGL ES 2 doesn't support
    GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL by default, it is only available via an extension. It
    was working on the devices where this extension is available but not on
    the emulator. Fixes LP: #1505221.

  [ Christian Dywan ]
  * Handle incubateObject returning null in PageWrapperUtils.
    Fixes LP: #1505197
  * Add module header to PageWrapperUtils.

  [ Zoltan Balogh ]
  * Improve test plan
    - Ad -q parameter to provision the device for normal use with a PPA
    - Fix up the camera and clock app on the device to acces services
    - Replace phablet tools with manual enabling writable image
    - Fix PPA pin up for staging and other regular PPAs.

  [ Zsombor Egri ]
  * Emit Dropped event for live ListItem drag'n'drop. Fixes LP: #1500118.

  [ Timo Jyrinki ]
  * Build dep on libinput-dev and libxkbcommon-dev (LP: #1437192).

  [ Benjamon Zeller ]
  * Remove unused variables.

  [ CI Train Bot ]
  * No-change rebuild.

 -- Zoltan Balogh <email address hidden>  Sun, 18 Oct 2015 03:47:27 +0000
Superseded in xenial-release
Obsolete in wily-release
Deleted in wily-proposed (Reason: moved to release)
ubuntu-ui-toolkit (1.3.1627+15.10.20150908-0ubuntu1) wily; urgency=medium

  [ Zsombor Egri ]
  * Implement list item expansion.
  * Turn AdaptivePageLayout page creation to be asynchronous.
  * Fix ListItem swipe handling when gesture is initiated over an overlay
    MouseArea which does not accept pressed event. Fixes LP: #1484545
  * AbstractButton to C++. Fixes LP: #1365471, LP: #1458028
  * Haptics singleton moved to C++.
  * ActionItem moved to C++.
  * Making columns resizable in an AdaptivePageLayout.
  * Introducing column configuration into AdaptivePageLayout.

  [ Benjamin Zeller ]
  * Fix build inside qt and shadowbuild.

  [ Tim Peeters ]
  * Remove old and unused header-related files, and update unit test filenames.
  * Don't unset the subheader style when Page.head changes because that unsets
    the parent of Page.head.contents. Fixes LP: #1488922
  * Fix the theming of the MainView.
  * Fix the background color of the overflow panel.

  [ Christian Dywan ]
  * Include change signals with arguments in .api.
  * A public QML type with no version is an error. Rather than silently breaking
    as QML does normally at least apicheck can make this fatal.
  * UbuntuShape shouldn't emit redundant deprecation warnings. Fixes LP: #1481791
  * Update .bzrignore to new upstream style layout. Fixes LP: #1433308
  * Revert unnecessary change of Popover minimumWidth. Fixes LP: #1483708

  [ Ken VanDine ]
  * Fixed a few typos in the api docs for StateSaver.

  [ Olivier Tilloy ]
  * Take custom key indexes into account to allow sorting on custom roles.
    Fixes LP: #1485674

  [ Albert Astals Cid ]
  * Properly free shapeTextures[index] The old code assumes that the UbuntuShape
    will still be around when the opengl context is destroyed, but that seldom
    happens so connect the signal to a lambda that will be there and does the
    cleanup properly. Without this patch testDirectionalDragArea from unity8 was
    hitting the qFatal because it ran out of space in shapeTextures.

  [ Richard Huddie ]
  * Remove all usage of the autopilot simulated keyboard when the OSK is being
    used. Fixes LP: 31483668

  [ Gerry Boland ]
  * Compensate for Qt's device pixel ratio multiplier.
    Fixes: LP: #1207270, LP: #1275748, LP: #1468402

  [ Nick Dedekind ]
  * Added relative date time i18n.

  [ CI Train Bot ]
  * Resync trunk.

 -- Zoltan Balogh <email address hidden>  Tue, 08 Sep 2015 04:10:50 +0000
Superseded in wily-release
Deleted in wily-proposed (Reason: moved to release)
ubuntu-ui-toolkit (1.3.1603+15.10.20150824.1-0ubuntu1) wily; urgency=medium

  [ CI Train Bot ]
  * Resync trunk. added: po/eo.po

  [ Christian Dywan ]
  * Make deprecation warnings from C++ opt-in (LP: #1467851)

 -- CI Train Bot <email address hidden>  Mon, 24 Aug 2015 20:49:45 +0000
Superseded in wily-proposed
ubuntu-ui-toolkit (1.3.1603+15.10.20150819.2-0ubuntu1) wily; urgency=medium

  [ CI Train Bot ]
  * Resync trunk.

  [ Tim Peeters ]
  * Do not use the GL_OES_standard_derivatives extension in the emulator
    (and other possible unsupported platforms). (LP: #1458694)

 -- CI Train Bot <email address hidden>  Wed, 19 Aug 2015 19:49:50 +0000
Superseded in wily-release
Deleted in wily-proposed (Reason: moved to release)
ubuntu-ui-toolkit (1.3.1603+15.10.20150812-0ubuntu1) wily; urgency=medium

  [ Tim Peeters ]
  * Use grid units in Icons in the showcase gallery. Fixes LP: #1481489
  * Disable header buttons when the header is animating. Fixes LP: #1478147
  * Add ActionBar examples to the gallery.
  * Make the default MainView background plain white. Fixes LP: #1481834

  [ Zsombor Egri ]
  * Fixing swiping over active components. Fixes LP: #1479688.
  * Fixing broken BottomEdgeHint gallery page.

  [ Zoltán Balogh ]
  * Fix packaging question marks / issues. Fixes LP: #1481584

  [ Loïc Molinari ]
  * UbuntuShape - Added support drop shadow aspect support to UbuntuShapeOverlay
    Fixes LP: #1480197.
  * UbuntuShape - Removed content orientation work around.
    The shape was using a workaround to make it render correctly when the
    content orientation was not the native one. This was perfect for the
    OrientationHelper shipped with the toolkit but now that the Shell
    implements the rotation, this is not needed anymore and causes some
    rendering issues. Note that the shape will still needs to support
    correct rendering when rotated using the rotation property of the Item,
    but that is a different issue. Fixes LP: #1466656.
  * UbuntuShape - Added a DropShadow aspect. Fixes LP: #1478129.
  * Renamed ShellIcon to ProportionalShape.
  * UbuntuShape - Added an ShellIcon item. Fixes LP: #1478130

  [ Nick Dedekind ]
  * Added LiveTimer.

  [ Christian Dywan ]
  * Grab focus when Dialog is shown.
  * Set Qt.IBeamCursor on text component MouseArea's. Fixes LP: #1483823
  * Make automaticOrientation on MainView a no-op. Fixes LP: #1470258
  * Fix warnings on undefine in gallery
      TypeError: Cannot read property of null.

  [ Ken VanDine ]
  * Don't fail if MainView doesn't have a useDeprecatedToolbar property
    Fixes LP: #1451243

  [ CI Train Bot ]
  * Resync trunk. added: examples/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gallery/po/uk.po

 -- CI Train Bot <email address hidden>  Wed, 12 Aug 2015 17:31:20 +0000
Superseded in wily-release
Deleted in wily-proposed (Reason: moved to release)
ubuntu-ui-toolkit (1.3.1584+15.10.20150730-0ubuntu1) wily; urgency=medium

  [ Florian Boucault ]
  * New BottomEdgeHint component to represent extra features available from the
    bottom edge of an application.

  [ Loïc Molinari ]
  * [UbuntuShape] Added a big radius.
  * [UbuntuShape] Added relative radius support. Fixes LP: #1478124.
  * Ensured components, styles, examples and tests use the new UbuntuShape
    properties (not deprecated). Fixes LP: #1437412.

  [ Benjamin Zeller ]
  * Make use of the official qt build macros to blend into the Qt buildprocess.
  * Fix debug builds, optimization is always enabled by the system qt build.

  [ Richard Huddie ]
  * Fix for autopilot bug lp:1476715. Don't throw an exception if maliit-server
    is not found. Fixes LP: #1476715.

  [ Tim Peeters ]
  * Clean up the MainView docs.
  * Set theme version for Sections component.
  * Implement AdaptivePageLayout.

  [ Zsombor Egri ]
  * Fix width for trailing and leading actions of a ListItem. Fixes LP: #1465582.
  * Button and Haptics import wrong toolkit versions, thus they break style
    versioning. Moving Icon and ProgressBar to 1.0 and 1.1 version source folder.
  * SuruDark theme for ListItem style. Fixes LP: #1451225.
  * Swiping ListItem when no actions are defined for the gesture breaks
    selectMode. Fixes LP: #1468100.
  * Fixing selected connection with the ListItem's select mode checkbox state.
    Fixes LP: #1461501, LP: #1469471.

  [ Timo Jyrinki ]
  * Fix ucstylehints.cpp compilation with Qt 5.5. Fixes LP: #1473873.
  * Add PageHeadStyle 1.3 reference to fix install_plugins_qmltypes failure with
    Qt 5.5. Fixes LP: #1466484.

  [ Christian Dywan ]
  * Avoid hard-coded skipping of members by name "type" can be a property name
    regardless of also being a field in the JSON description of a property.
  * Add apicheck unit test for QML and Javascript.
  * Remove "do cleanup" comments. Fixes LP: #1369874.
  * Initialize defaultTypes later to avoid bogus types.
  * Implement Action.shortcut property. Fixes LP: #1202464.
  * Update text handler to 3gu assert.
  * Add a deprecated note to ListItems.ThinDivider. Fixes LP: #1470951.
  * Don't include overridden properties in API.
  * Clean-up API check wrapper scripts.
  * Track version members were introduced.
  * Implement ListItemPopover on right-click. Fixes LP: #1452676.
  * Move delegate's chevron into the row and size it explicitly.
    Fixes LP: #1474418.
  * Enable (Shift)Tab via activeFocusOnTab. Fixes LP: #1276797.
  * Only swipe with left button and block timer otherwise.
    Fixes LP: #1476300, LP: #1476310.
  * Include Javascript libraries in QML documentation. Fixes LP: #1466058.

  [ Albert Astals Cid ]
  * Fix warning if there's no __propagated
  * TypeError: Cannot call method 'hasOwnProperty' of null.

 -- CI Train Bot <email address hidden>  Thu, 30 Jul 2015 13:04:18 +0000
Superseded in wily-proposed
ubuntu-ui-toolkit (1.3.1549+15.10.20150710.1-0ubuntu2~gcc5.1) wily; urgency=medium

  * No-change test rebuild for g++5 ABI transition

 -- Steve Langasek <email address hidden>  Wed, 15 Jul 2015 17:36:47 +0000
Superseded in wily-release
Deleted in wily-proposed (Reason: moved to release)
ubuntu-ui-toolkit (1.3.1549+15.10.20150710.1-0ubuntu1) wily; urgency=medium

  [ Timo Jyrinki ]
  * arch specific deps (LP: #1473035) (LP: #1473035)

 -- CI Train Bot <email address hidden>  Fri, 10 Jul 2015 06:31:57 +0000
Superseded in wily-proposed
ubuntu-ui-toolkit (1.3.1549+15.10.20150706-0ubuntu1) wily; urgency=medium

  [ Tim Peeters ]
  * Disable header animations to avoid bugs when popping a PageStack in a loop.
    Fixes LP: #1461729
  * New header visuals, using the ActionBar and Sections components.
  * Introduce the new Sections component.
  * Fix initialization for hidden and locked header.

  [ Benjamin Zeller ]
  * Fixes LP: #1461042 Qthelp documentation (pressing in F1) has no style in

  [ Richard Huddie ]
  * Use the real OSK for keyboard input.

  [ Zsombor Egri ]
  * Fix AlamrModel segfault when updating elements. Fixes LP: #1463430

  [ Vincent Ladeuil ]
  * In the initctl test fixture,add the option to unset an environment variable

  [ Christian Dywan ]
  * QQmlContextData.url is a method in 5.5.0. Fixes LP: #1461897.
  * OrientationHelper shouldn't move depending on availableHeight. The
    parentChanged/availableHeight change in OrientationHelper is the bug fix
    itself. The new property UbuntuApplication.inputMethod defaults to
    Qt.inputMethod and the unit test overrides it to reproduce the bug (fix)
    regardless of device and input method setup - the mock keyboard is NOT
    expected to be fully functional, buttons are but a placeholder irrelevant
    for the test case.
    I removed hideInputPanel() as it's not being used anywhere, not essential
    to the bug, but mainly unconfusing anyone working with the code as to what
    actually affects inputMethod visibility.
    Fixes LP: #1428206, LP: #1455406, LP: #1466222.
  * Use a custom sort function for type names.
  * Popover sizing should depend on whether it has a target.
  * Replace Styles page with a header action.

  [ Leo Arias ]
  * Updated the documentation of the autopilot click_element helpers.
    Fixes LP: #1451945

 -- CI Train Bot <email address hidden>  Mon, 06 Jul 2015 18:24:30 +0000
Superseded in wily-release
Deleted in wily-proposed (Reason: moved to release)
ubuntu-ui-toolkit (1.3.1534+15.10.20150625-0ubuntu1) wily; urgency=medium

  [ Christian Dywan ]
  * Use TextField.write rather than keyboard.type.
  * Update normal.backgroundText in SuruDark to #5D5D5D. Fixes LP: #1413801.
  * Fix " line 78: [: -eq: unary operator expected]".
  * Consider caret visibility to decide text menu anchor. Fixes LP: #1462419.
  * Remove text from header textinput AP test QML. Fixes LP: #1459632.
  * No deprecation notes for our own components. Fixes LP: #1457528.

  [ Leonardo Arias Fonseca ]
  * Add url protocols to the fake application.
  * Adds a dependency to url-dispatcher-tools in ubuntu-ui-toolkit-autopilot.
  * Use the test launcher for all the toolkit autopilot tests.

  [ Zsombor Egri ]
  * Remove property bindings before property write does it. Fixes LP: #1462738.
  * Introducing StyleHints to provide style specific property changes.
  * Remove ThemeSettings.createStyleComponent() and add styleName to StyledItem.
    Fixes LP: #1458845.

  [ Loïc Molinari ]
  * [UbuntuShape] Computed dfdt factors based on window content orientation.
  * Previous logic was based on screen orientation which is not in sync with
    OrientationHelper.qml. Fixes LP: #1455567.

  [ Timo Jyrinki ]
  * Change -html documentation runtime dependencies into Suggests only to limit
    ubuntu-sdk download size. We're switching to offering only .qch offline
    documentation in SDK (inside of it), and they're being added to the seed.
    Fixes LP: #1461034.
  * Licensecheck started complaining about a person name, change to Canonical.
    Fixes LP: #1464549

  [ Andrea Bernabei ]
  * Modify ListItem.Caption label margins. Fixes LP: #1314672.

  [ Tim Peeters ]
  * Introduce IconButtonStyle.

 -- CI Train Bot <email address hidden>  Thu, 25 Jun 2015 04:37:52 +0000
Superseded in wily-release
Deleted in wily-proposed (Reason: moved to release)
ubuntu-ui-toolkit (1.3.1517+15.10.20150523-0ubuntu3) wily; urgency=medium

  * Rebuild against Qt 5.4.2
  * debian/patches/fix_copyright.patch:
    - licensecheck started complaining about a person name, change to Canonical

 -- Timo Jyrinki <email address hidden>  Fri, 12 Jun 2015 07:48:37 +0000
Superseded in wily-release
Deleted in wily-proposed (Reason: moved to release)
ubuntu-ui-toolkit (1.3.1517+15.10.20150523-0ubuntu1) wily; urgency=medium

  [ Christian Dywan ]
  * Expose textDocument of TextField. Fixes LP: #1392276
  * Unset GRID_UNIT_PX before checking default value. Fixes LP: #1457421
  * No cutting and copying of passwords. Fixes LP: #1438976
  * Implement new API tool based on qmlplugindump producing JSON.
    Fixes LP: #1187010

  [ Leo Arias ]
  * Make explicit the dependency on upstart for the autopilot helpers.

  [ Timo Jyrinki ]
  * Switch to vivid-overlay & wily instead of rtm-14.09 &
    vivid. Fixes LP: #1457015.

 -- CI Train Bot <email address hidden>  Sat, 23 May 2015 17:24:43 +0000
Superseded in wily-release
Deleted in wily-proposed (Reason: moved to release)
ubuntu-ui-toolkit (1.3.1510+15.10.20150519-0ubuntu1) wily; urgency=medium

  [ Loïc Molinari ]
  * Set QSGNode debug description on the shape-based nodes to ease renderer
    debugging. Fixes LP: #1437270
  * Ensured QSGLayer-based source textures (like ShaderEffectSource) are
    updated before rendering. Fixes LP: #1447495

  [ Tim Peeters ]
  * Update sections test program.
  * Document the correct version when Page.head.visible and Page.head.locked
    were added.
  * Revert to use the old header in trunk.
  * Introduce the new ActionBar component.
  * Restore moving property on AppHeader 1.2.

  [ Zsombor Egri ]
  * Provide versioning for theme loading. Each toolkit must be released with a
    well defined system theme version, and theme modules must have the same
    version as the toolkit. Fixes LP: #1447113
  * Fix import versions in entire UITK and examples. Move example code under
    1.3 folder. Fixes LP: #1447113
  * Separate 1.2 from 1.3 versions in all Ubuntu.Component modules.
    Fixes LP: #1447113

  [ Zoltan Balogh ]
  * Fix header CPO for 1.2 without moving attribute. Let the header CPO try
    both old and new buttons.

  [ Christian Dywan ]
  * Add version subfolder to benchmark test paths.
  * Only show handlers if text isn't empty. Fixes LP: #1450213.
  * Only print unique deprecation notes. Fixes LP: #1454281.

  [ CI Train Bot ]
  * New rebuild forced.

 -- CI Train Bot <email address hidden>  Tue, 19 May 2015 10:47:09 +0000
Superseded in wily-proposed
ubuntu-ui-toolkit (1.2.1485+15.04.20150429-0ubuntu1) vivid; urgency=medium

  [ Tim Peeters ]
  * Revert to use the old header in trunk.

150 of 178 results