ubuntu-mate-welcome (16.04.3) xenial; urgency=medium
[ Luke Horwell ]
* Friendlier "not connected" messages.
* Title bar is simply "Welcome".
* Many minor tweaks and code consistency.
* Catch exceptions when commands fail.
* Rewrite date functions for Main Menu events.
* New images.
* Raspberry Pi 2 information about kernel upgrades.
* Software Page is now built dynamically.
* Add ability to launch apps.
* Add ability to filter by subcategory.
* Add expandable/collapsible more details for each app.
* Add screenshots.
* Add a Software Only Mode.
* Add update subscription.
* Highlight installed applications.
* Show a spinner when applying actions.
* One-click install links now scroll to specific server app.
* Dynamically populate the random featured apps grid.
* Always show software categories at top of page.
* Show a 'busy' cursor when entering Software/Getting Started.
* Handle apt operations via DynamicApps class.
* Optimisations updating installed state of applications.
* Fixed Proprietary software toggle.
[ Martin Wimpress ]
* Raspberry Pi 2 button to resize partitions.
* Closes (LP: #1548133)
-- Martin Wimpress <email address hidden> Wed, 17 Feb 2016 21:35:21 +0000