ubiquity 25.04.1 source package in Ubuntu


ubiquity (25.04.1) plucky; urgency=medium

  * debian/control: Depends on pkexec instead of policykit-1

 -- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden>  Fri, 15 Nov 2024 13:25:28 +0100

Upload details

Uploaded by:
Sebastien Bacher
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Original maintainer:
Ubuntu Installer Team
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Medium Urgency

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Series Pocket Published Component Section
Plucky release main admin


File Size SHA-256 Checksum
ubiquity_25.04.1.tar.xz 6.6 MiB 71deeebda28366c6e7e783385ff2ce067b8a141c4e3b9900af8173f289ce7664
ubiquity_25.04.1.dsc 3.5 KiB a37a73703e134f5ce8c19aa9f4fa738790f37bc8ab93d9e11bd68931aa87f57b

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Binary packages built by this source

oem-config: Perform end-user configuration after initial OEM installation

 The oem-config script re-asks a number of questions that are normally asked
 during installation, and reconfigures the system accordingly. This allows a
 vendor to install a skeleton system, clone it onto a large number of
 machines, and ship it to end users, while still allowing end users to set
 up their own username and password, language, timezone, and so on.

oem-config-debconf: debconf frontend for end-user post-OEM-install configuration

 The oem-config script re-asks a number of questions that are normally asked
 during installation, and reconfigures the system accordingly. This allows a
 vendor to install a skeleton system, clone it onto a large number of
 machines, and ship it to end users, while still allowing end users to set
 up their own username and password, language, timezone, and so on.
 This is a frontend to oem-config that simply arranges for questions to be
 asked using the normal debconf frontend.

oem-config-gtk: GTK+ frontend for end-user post-OEM-install configuration

 The oem-config script re-asks a number of questions that are normally asked
 during installation, and reconfigures the system accordingly. This allows a
 vendor to install a skeleton system, clone it onto a large number of
 machines, and ship it to end users, while still allowing end users to set
 up their own username and password, language, timezone, and so on.
 This is a GTK+ frontend to oem-config.

oem-config-kde: KDE frontend for end-user post-OEM-install configuration

 The oem-config script re-asks a number of questions that are normally asked
 during installation, and reconfigures the system accordingly. This allows a
 vendor to install a skeleton system, clone it onto a large number of
 machines, and ship it to end users, while still allowing end users to set
 up their own username and password, language, timezone, and so on.
 This is a KDE frontend to oem-config.

oem-config-prepare: prepares an image for execution of oem-config on first boot

 The oem-config script re-asks a number of questions that are normally asked
 during installation, and reconfigures the system accordingly. This allows a
 vendor to install a skeleton system, clone it onto a large number of
 machines, and ship it to end users, while still allowing end users to set
 up their own username and password, language, timezone, and so on.
 This package executes oem-config-prepare in its postinst, and is intended for
 use in preinstalled image builds to avoid resorting to hooks.

oem-config-remaster: Remaster a CD with additional oem-config functionality

 This script remasters a CD with additional packages and optional oem-config
 preseed data.

ubiquity: Ubuntu live CD installer

 This is a simple live CD installer designed to integrate well with Debian-
 and Ubuntu-based systems, and to reuse code from d-i for ease of
 Installing this package on a normal system is unlikely to be useful.

ubiquity-dbgsym: debug symbols for ubiquity
ubiquity-frontend-debconf: debconf frontend for the Ubiquity live installer

 This package provides a debconf-based user interface frontend for the
 Ubiquity live CD installer.

ubiquity-frontend-gtk: GTK+ frontend for Ubiquity live installer

 This package provides a GTK+-based user interface frontend for the Ubiquity
 live CD installer.

ubiquity-frontend-gtk-dbgsym: debug symbols for ubiquity-frontend-gtk
ubiquity-frontend-gtk-panel: GTK+ frontend panel implementation for ubiquity-dm UI

 This package suplements ubiquity-dm GTK+ with a panel that renders
 indicators for the Ubiquity live CD installer.

ubiquity-frontend-gtk-panel-dbgsym: debug symbols for ubiquity-frontend-gtk-panel
ubiquity-frontend-kde: KDE frontend for Ubiquity live installer

 This package provides a KDE-based user interface frontend for the Ubiquity
 live CD installer.

ubiquity-ubuntu-artwork: Ubuntu artwork for Ubiquity live installer

 This package provides Ubuntu-themed user interface artwork, help files, and
 user interface text for the Ubiquity live CD installer.