ubiquity 22.04.15 source package in Ubuntu


ubiquity (22.04.15) jammy; urgency=medium

  * Set GNOME keyboard layout during installation (LP: #1875062)

 -- Benjamin Drung <email address hidden>  Wed, 13 Apr 2022 15:56:30 -0700

Upload details

Uploaded by:
Benjamin Drung
Sponsored by:
Brian Murray
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Original maintainer:
Ubuntu Installer Team
any all
Medium Urgency

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Series Pocket Published Component Section
Jammy release main admin


File Size SHA-256 Checksum
ubiquity_22.04.15.tar.xz 6.5 MiB 868e2c8c99c4179e2abf7c76ccd8d7d0bc35569b4fd1fa1bd1d4e1ff14334e45
ubiquity_22.04.15.dsc 3.4 KiB 0ca633448de3e79875c69c816646c72aaf829044666ab5d84fbc9770ab891bde

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Binary packages built by this source

oem-config: Perform end-user configuration after initial OEM installation

 The oem-config script re-asks a number of questions that are normally asked
 during installation, and reconfigures the system accordingly. This allows a
 vendor to install a skeleton system, clone it onto a large number of
 machines, and ship it to end users, while still allowing end users to set
 up their own username and password, language, timezone, and so on.

oem-config-debconf: No summary available for oem-config-debconf in ubuntu kinetic.

No description available for oem-config-debconf in ubuntu kinetic.

oem-config-gtk: GTK+ frontend for end-user post-OEM-install configuration

 The oem-config script re-asks a number of questions that are normally asked
 during installation, and reconfigures the system accordingly. This allows a
 vendor to install a skeleton system, clone it onto a large number of
 machines, and ship it to end users, while still allowing end users to set
 up their own username and password, language, timezone, and so on.
 This is a GTK+ frontend to oem-config.

oem-config-kde: No summary available for oem-config-kde in ubuntu kinetic.

No description available for oem-config-kde in ubuntu kinetic.

oem-config-remaster: Remaster a CD with additional oem-config functionality

 This script remasters a CD with additional packages and optional oem-config
 preseed data.

ubiquity: No summary available for ubiquity in ubuntu kinetic.

No description available for ubiquity in ubuntu kinetic.

ubiquity-dbgsym: debug symbols for ubiquity
ubiquity-frontend-debconf: debconf frontend for the Ubiquity live installer

 This package provides a debconf-based user interface frontend for the
 Ubiquity live CD installer.

ubiquity-frontend-gtk: No summary available for ubiquity-frontend-gtk in ubuntu kinetic.

No description available for ubiquity-frontend-gtk in ubuntu kinetic.

ubiquity-frontend-gtk-dbgsym: debug symbols for ubiquity-frontend-gtk
ubiquity-frontend-gtk-panel: No summary available for ubiquity-frontend-gtk-panel in ubuntu kinetic.

No description available for ubiquity-frontend-gtk-panel in ubuntu kinetic.

ubiquity-frontend-gtk-panel-dbgsym: debug symbols for ubiquity-frontend-gtk-panel
ubiquity-frontend-kde: KDE frontend for Ubiquity live installer

 This package provides a KDE-based user interface frontend for the Ubiquity
 live CD installer.

ubiquity-ubuntu-artwork: Ubuntu artwork for Ubiquity live installer

 This package provides Ubuntu-themed user interface artwork, help files, and
 user interface text for the Ubiquity live CD installer.