sbackup (0.10.3) unstable; urgency=high
* Fix an Ubuntu-izm that creeped into the permissions (Closes: #391539)
sbackup (0.10.2) unstable; urgency=high
* "Simple fixes for simple but annoying bugs" release - intended to go
into Etch and Edgy.
* Manage /etc/sbackup.conf and /etc/cron.d/sbackup as config files, but
not as conffiles, to remove unneeded "config changes upstream" prompt
on upgrade. SBackup can handle old config gracefuly.
* Brown paperbag one-liner fix on incremental backup time not being counted
properly causing incremental backups to be done all the time.
* Reduce nice level of sbackupd process to lowest possible priority (+19)
* An empty regex matches everything, so avoid those
-- Aigars Mahinovs <email address hidden> Mon, 09 Oct 2006 23:02:04 +0100