sbackup (0.10-1) unstable; urgency=low
* Added i18n support from Jonh Wendell
* Added Portuguese translation by Jonh Wendell
* Adjusts in Makefile, support to uninstall and another prefix,
rather than /usr (SF:1376603) - wendell
* fix problem with spaces in target dir (SF:1508991) - wendell
* Add command-line option parsing support from Andreas Sliwka
* Improve parsing of cron timelines with added custom option
(Ubuntu: #5720)
* Separate filenames in metadata with NULL instead of a newline
(Closes: #349700)
* Critical pseydofilesystems are explicitly excluded (Closes: #340115)
* Command line tar is used and is trying to be robust agaist race
conditions (Closes: #328824)
* Ability to edit filenames, paths and regexp directly in the cells - wendell
* Purge old backup snapshots in smart and simple way (Yay!)
* Really test the writability of a directory by writing into it.
Solves several permission related errors, especially in remote backups.
* Improved restore window interface - wendell
* Rewriten restore backend fixes bugs while restoring files beyond 2Gb
limit and speeds up the restore 2-3 times
-- StefanPotyra <email address hidden> Fri, 08 Sep 2006 17:36:27 +0100