python-pecan (1.3.3-4ubuntu1) jammy; urgency=low
* Merge from Debian unstable. Remaining changes:
- d/p/no-intersphinx.patch: Dropped. No longer needed.
- d/p/remove-broken-test.patch: Dropped. Fixed upstream.
- d/gbp.conf: Retain for gbp and pristine-tar config.
- d/watch: Update based on move to
- d/control: Align (Build-)Depends with upstream.
- drop wrong pre/postrm scripts that handle pecan as an alternative when
it no longer is.
python-pecan (1.3.3-4) unstable; urgency=medium
* Ran wrap-and-sort -bastk.
* Use pytest instead of test.
* Run tests within installed python module.
* Add fix-setup.cfg-for-pytest.patch.
* Add Support_SQLAlchemy_1.4.x.patch (Closes: #997350).
-- Steve Langasek <email address hidden> Mon, 15 Nov 2021 09:04:08 -0800