python-oslo.rootwrap 2.3.0-3 source package in Ubuntu


python-oslo.rootwrap (2.3.0-3) unstable; urgency=medium

  * override_dh_python3 to fix Py3 shebang.

 -- Thomas Goirand <email address hidden>  Fri, 23 Oct 2015 23:29:18 +0000

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PKG OpenStack
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Original maintainer:
PKG OpenStack
Medium Urgency

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Series Pocket Published Component Section


Xenial: [FULLYBUILT] amd64


File Size SHA-256 Checksum
python-oslo.rootwrap_2.3.0-3.dsc 2.7 KiB 15fda30a8ca0bc4574456666b365e44f71f002d4bd557e2a3dc232728872c8c1
python-oslo.rootwrap_2.3.0.orig.tar.xz 27.8 KiB 1a86b6b668656e3a0616b4862c3728d5943378a265c429e42c28310f4f766dc9
python-oslo.rootwrap_2.3.0-3.debian.tar.xz 4.0 KiB 8aafceb86db0ddb5c818ed7d61cace78fc1bab1f386c6638982724e9f0ed33d5

Available diffs

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Binary packages built by this source

python-oslo-rootwrap: transitional dummy package for python-oslo-rootwrap

 This transitional package is safe to remove.

python-oslo.rootwrap: allows fine filtering of shell commands to run as root - Python 2.x

 The Oslo Rootwrap allows fine filtering of shell commands to run as root from
 OpenStack services.
 Unlike other Oslo deliverables, it should not be used as a Python library, but
 called as a separate process through the oslo-rootwrap command.
 This package provides the Python 2.x module.

python3-oslo.rootwrap: allows fine filtering of shell commands to run as root - Python 3.x

 The Oslo Rootwrap allows fine filtering of shell commands to run as root from
 OpenStack services.
 Unlike other Oslo deliverables, it should not be used as a Python library, but
 called as a separate process through the oslo-rootwrap command.
 This package provides the Python 3.x module.