polygen 1.0.6.ds2-13build1 source package in Ubuntu


polygen (1.0.6.ds2-13build1) trusty; urgency=medium

  * Rebuild for ocaml-4.01.
 -- Matthias Klose <email address hidden>   Mon, 23 Dec 2013 12:11:51 +0000

Upload details

Uploaded by:
Matthias Klose
Uploaded to:
Original maintainer:
Debian OCaml Maintainers
Medium Urgency

See full publishing history Publishing

Series Pocket Published Component Section
Trusty release universe games


Trusty: [FULLYBUILT] i386


File Size SHA-256 Checksum
polygen_1.0.6.ds2.orig.tar.gz 453.3 KiB 60dbcec8aedcbb2545202ad97d41e592f232b8fc842ea25a7998c88a385148d5
polygen_1.0.6.ds2-13build1.diff.gz 11.2 KiB 3c2d9c8daca293065b07d6a814468d417429f25e965c8f42fcdc3f30cc9cb928
polygen_1.0.6.ds2-13build1.dsc 1.4 KiB c395a67a8951694920211276184575c20a36bf2d1c6936dfcf000f8d09f067b4

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Binary packages built by this source

polygen: generator of random sentences from grammar definitions

 PolyGen is a program for generating random sentences according to a grammar
 definition, that is following custom syntactical and lexical rules.
 Formally, it is an interpreter of a language itself designed to define
 languages, where to interpret means executing a source program in real time
 and eventually outputting its result.
 Here a source program is a grammar definition, the execution consists in the
 exploration of such grammar by selecting a random path and the result is the
 sentence built on the way.
 Though PolyGen is quite a serious piece of software then, what else would be
 more noble for it than being used as a parody tool for linguistical habits,
 stereotypes and trends of this foolish era?
 Principles of parody are focusing a ridiculous topic and eventually
 abstracting its rules and schemes (here in terms of a grammar definition) by
 which reproducing it through the variatio device. And randomization is
 perfect at this purpose thanks to its purely asemantic behaviour =:)

polygen-data: grammar definitions for PolyGen

 PolyGen is a program for generating random sentences according to a grammar
 definition, that is following custom syntactical and lexical rules.
 Formally, it is an interpreter of a language itself designed to define
 languages, where to interpret means executing a source program in real time
 and eventually outputting its result.
 Here a source program is a grammar definition, the execution consists in the
 exploration of such grammar by selecting a random path and the result is the
 sentence built on the way.
 This package contains various grammar files suited for polygen.