mistral 9.0.0-0ubuntu1 source package in Ubuntu


mistral (9.0.0-0ubuntu1) eoan; urgency=medium

  * New stable point release for OpenStack Train.

 -- Sahid Orentino Ferdjaoui <email address hidden>  Wed, 16 Oct 2019 17:29:02 +0100

Upload details

Uploaded by:
Sahid Orentino
Sponsored by:
James Page
Uploaded to:
Original maintainer:
Ubuntu Developers
Medium Urgency

See full publishing history Publishing

Series Pocket Published Component Section


Eoan: [FULLYBUILT] amd64


File Size SHA-256 Checksum
mistral_9.0.0.orig.tar.gz 745.2 KiB 4253332c24415df75be25239e253a4c2b549599cec5558894e583957130f2f6e
mistral_9.0.0-0ubuntu1.debian.tar.xz 8.9 KiB 362aa75fc94eb9c1438d732284209b5baca927af6a7c0313e29069077d765a7c
mistral_9.0.0-0ubuntu1.dsc 5.1 KiB 9b69e685ee6141676cb0c71e7629938df013fadc84af2c7aececc424e874be20

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Binary packages built by this source

mistral-api: No summary available for mistral-api in ubuntu eoan.

No description available for mistral-api in ubuntu eoan.

mistral-common: No summary available for mistral-common in ubuntu eoan.

No description available for mistral-common in ubuntu eoan.

mistral-engine: OpenStack Workflow service - Engine

 Mistral is a workflow service. Most business processes consist of multiple
 distinct interconnected steps that need to be executed in a particular order
 in a distributed environment. One can describe such process as a set of tasks
 and task relations and upload such description to Mistral so that it takes
 care of state management, correct execution order, parallelism,
 synchronization and high availability. Mistral also provides flexible task
 scheduling so that it can run a process according to a specified schedule
 (i.e. every Sunday at 4.00pm) instead of running it immediately. Such set of
 tasks and relations between them is called a workflow.
 This package contains the Engine.

mistral-event-engine: No summary available for mistral-event-engine in ubuntu eoan.

No description available for mistral-event-engine in ubuntu eoan.

mistral-executor: No summary available for mistral-executor in ubuntu eoan.

No description available for mistral-executor in ubuntu eoan.

python3-mistral: No summary available for python3-mistral in ubuntu eoan.

No description available for python3-mistral in ubuntu eoan.