make-dfsg 4.1-6 source package in Ubuntu


make-dfsg (4.1-6) unstable; urgency=low

  * Satsifiable cross build dependencies: libbsd-resource-perl is only needed
    for running tests. Helmut Grohne <email address hidden>
  * Bug fix: "make-dfsg has unsatisfiable cross build dependendencies in a
    bootstrap setting: libbsd-resource-perl", thanks to Helmut Grohne
    (Closes: #812725).

 -- Manoj Srivastava <email address hidden>  Sun, 14 Feb 2016 21:15:11 -0800

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Low Urgency

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Series Pocket Published Component Section
Xenial release main devel


File Size SHA-256 Checksum
make-dfsg_4.1-6.dsc 1.8 KiB c28066ebe2002e4791ac3a4e808d8a5f0bed75eff8e0462449a08ab767153361
make-dfsg_4.1.orig.tar.gz 1.3 MiB b3ed04fb6718289e4a430afbe2df6ecba9177aad9f6d09aaf38e5409262ca8a3
make-dfsg_4.1-6.diff.gz 41.6 KiB b647e6961a9707ea009de85fb65f8156143deab139be1636a200abdffe5e91c3

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Binary packages built by this source

make: utility for directing compilation

 GNU Make is a utility which controls the generation of executables
 and other target files of a program from the program's source
 files. It determines automatically which pieces of a large program
 need to be (re)created, and issues the commands to (re)create
 them. Make can be used to organize any task in which targets (files)
 are to be automatically updated based on input files whenever the
 corresponding input is newer --- it is not limited to building
 computer programs. Indeed, Make is a general purpose dependency

make-dbgsym: debug symbols for package make

 GNU Make is a utility which controls the generation of executables
 and other target files of a program from the program's source
 files. It determines automatically which pieces of a large program
 need to be (re)created, and issues the commands to (re)create
 them. Make can be used to organize any task in which targets (files)
 are to be automatically updated based on input files whenever the
 corresponding input is newer --- it is not limited to building
 computer programs. Indeed, Make is a general purpose dependency

make-guile: utility for directing compilation with guile support

 GNU Make is a utility which controls the generation of executables
 and other target files of a program from the program's source
 files. It determines automatically which pieces of a large program
 need to be (re)created, and issues the commands to (re)create
 them. Make can be used to organize any task in which targets (files)
 are to be automatically updated based on input files whenever the
 corresponding input is newer --- it is not limited to building
 computer programs. Indeed, Make is a general purpose dependency
 solver. This variant has built in guile support

make-guile-dbgsym: debug symbols for package make-guile

 GNU Make is a utility which controls the generation of executables
 and other target files of a program from the program's source
 files. It determines automatically which pieces of a large program
 need to be (re)created, and issues the commands to (re)create
 them. Make can be used to organize any task in which targets (files)
 are to be automatically updated based on input files whenever the
 corresponding input is newer --- it is not limited to building
 computer programs. Indeed, Make is a general purpose dependency
 solver. This variant has built in guile support