kio 5.15.0-0ubuntu2 source package in Ubuntu


kio (5.15.0-0ubuntu2) wily; urgency=medium

  * KIO uses klauncher at runtime. Make package depend on kinit.
    LP: #1504526

 -- Harald Sitter <email address hidden>  Fri, 09 Oct 2015 15:03:24 +0200

Upload details

Uploaded by:
Harald Sitter
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Original maintainer:
Debian Qt/KDE Maintainers
Medium Urgency

See full publishing history Publishing

Series Pocket Published Component Section


File Size SHA-256 Checksum
kio_5.15.0.orig.tar.xz 2.7 MiB 0821731f1c1446a548be18f425de2f0077d31e3c6fc89f7e9c4557c9b232a551
kio_5.15.0-0ubuntu2.debian.tar.xz 34.3 KiB c4a751b17af9efb366e6130211dacccc210e9c64c1a0c69a346d7efd1807d7b6
kio_5.15.0-0ubuntu2.dsc 2.5 KiB 08e0889e4eb55c71d3346466e59f3f242265ab7405a2f13128c3c0071aa3b69a

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Binary packages built by this source

kio: No summary available for kio in ubuntu wily.

No description available for kio in ubuntu wily.

kio-dbg: No summary available for kio-dbg in ubuntu wily.

No description available for kio-dbg in ubuntu wily.

kio-dbgsym: No summary available for kio-dbgsym in ubuntu wily.

No description available for kio-dbgsym in ubuntu wily.

kio-dev: No summary available for kio-dev in ubuntu wily.

No description available for kio-dev in ubuntu wily.

kio-dev-dbgsym: debug symbols for package kio-dev

 KDE Input/Output framework provides a single API for
 operating on files, whether local or on a remote server.
 Additionally, KIO Slaves provide support for individual
 protocols. Some particularly useful ones are http, ftp,
 sftp, smb, nfs, ssh (fish), man, tar and zip.
 Contains development files for kio.

libkf5kiocore5: Resource and network access abstraction.

 KDE Input/Output framework provides a single API for
 operating on files, whether local or on a remote server.
 Additionally, KIO Slaves provide support for individual
 protocols. Some particularly useful ones are http, ftp,
 sftp, smb, nfs, ssh (fish), man, tar and zip.
 This library contains the core classes.

libkf5kiocore5-dbgsym: No summary available for libkf5kiocore5-dbgsym in ubuntu wily.

No description available for libkf5kiocore5-dbgsym in ubuntu wily.

libkf5kiofilewidgets5: Resource and network access abstraction.

 KDE Input/Output framework provides a single API for
 operating on files, whether local or on a remote server.
 Additionally, KIO Slaves provide support for individual
 protocols. Some particularly useful ones are http, ftp,
 sftp, smb, nfs, ssh (fish), man, tar and zip.
 This library contains some file dialog widgets.

libkf5kiofilewidgets5-dbgsym: No summary available for libkf5kiofilewidgets5-dbgsym in ubuntu wily.

No description available for libkf5kiofilewidgets5-dbgsym in ubuntu wily.

libkf5kiontlm5: Resource and network access abstraction.

 KDE Input/Output framework provides a single API for
 operating on files, whether local or on a remote server.
 Additionally, KIO Slaves provide support for individual
 protocols. Some particularly useful ones are http, ftp,
 sftp, smb, nfs, ssh (fish), man, tar and zip.
 This library implements the NTLM authentication protocol

libkf5kiontlm5-dbgsym: No summary available for libkf5kiontlm5-dbgsym in ubuntu wily.

No description available for libkf5kiontlm5-dbgsym in ubuntu wily.

libkf5kiowidgets5: No summary available for libkf5kiowidgets5 in ubuntu wily.

No description available for libkf5kiowidgets5 in ubuntu wily.

libkf5kiowidgets5-dbgsym: No summary available for libkf5kiowidgets5-dbgsym in ubuntu wily.

No description available for libkf5kiowidgets5-dbgsym in ubuntu wily.