gnome-online-accounts 3.44.0-1ubuntu1 source package in Ubuntu


gnome-online-accounts (3.44.0-1ubuntu1) jammy; urgency=medium

  * Merge with Debian (LP: #1967155). Remaining changes:
    + debian/rules:
      - Make sure that gnome-online-accounts.pot is refreshed so the
        strings from 0001-ubuntu-sso-provider.patch are included
        (LP: #1759251).
      - Build with --enable-ubuntu-sso
      - disable the facebook provider since it's currently not working
      - disable the provider since it's only used by GNOME Music
        which isn't installed by default
    + debian/control.*:
      - Add b-d on libsnapd-glib-dev
      - depends on python3 and python3-macaroonbakery for the ubuntu sso
    + debian/gnome-online-accounts.install:
      install usr/share/goa-1.0/scripts/
    + debian/libgoa-backend-1.0-1.symbols:
      Add goa_ubuntu_sso_provider_get_type
    + Ubuntu-specific patches:
      - debian/patches/0001-ubuntu-sso-provider.patch
      - debian/patches/0002-livepatch-auth.patch

gnome-online-accounts (3.44.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * New upstream release

 -- Jeremy Bicha <email address hidden>  Wed, 30 Mar 2022 11:35:58 -0400

Upload details

Uploaded by:
Jeremy BĂ­cha
Uploaded to:
Original maintainer:
Ubuntu Developers
any all
Medium Urgency

See full publishing history Publishing

Series Pocket Published Component Section
Jammy release main gnome


File Size SHA-256 Checksum
gnome-online-accounts_3.44.0.orig.tar.xz 839.4 KiB 381d5d4106f435b6f87786aa049be784774e15996adcc02789807afc87ea7342
gnome-online-accounts_3.44.0-1ubuntu1.debian.tar.xz 28.5 KiB 86bb50f5b974359d8258a6899a0b1d9bb0622de11b5a98d1b0d319be0902efeb
gnome-online-accounts_3.44.0-1ubuntu1.dsc 4.0 KiB cc9eef172cc93a22b08fc15a6c333e64becf7611b668d70d8eeccdbc3d715f8b

View changes file

Binary packages built by this source

gir1.2-goa-1.0: Introspection data for GNOME Online Accounts

 This package contains the GNOME Online Accounts service, which provides a
 centralized place for managing online accounts (Google, etc) for the
 GNOME desktop.
 This package can be used by other packages using the GIRepository format to
 generate dynamic bindings.

gnome-online-accounts: service to manage online accounts for the GNOME desktop

 This package contains the GNOME Online Accounts service, which provides a
 centralized place for managing online accounts (Google, etc) for the
 GNOME desktop.

gnome-online-accounts-dbgsym: debug symbols for gnome-online-accounts
libgoa-1.0-0b: library for GNOME Online Accounts

 This package contains the GNOME Online Accounts service, which provides a
 centralized place for managing online accounts (Google, etc) for the
 GNOME desktop.
 This package contains the libraries used by GOA applications.

libgoa-1.0-0b-dbgsym: debug symbols for libgoa-1.0-0b
libgoa-1.0-common: library for GNOME Online Accounts - common files

 This package contains the GNOME Online Accounts service, which provides a
 centralized place for managing online accounts (Google, etc) for the
 GNOME desktop.
 This package contains the translation files for the GOA library and daemon.

libgoa-1.0-dev: library for GNOME Online Accounts - development files

 This package contains the GNOME Online Accounts service, which provides a
 centralized place for managing online accounts (Google, etc) for the
 GNOME desktop.
 This package contains the files needed to build applications that access
 the service.

libgoa-1.0-doc: library for GNOME Online Accounts - documentation files

 This package contains the GNOME Online Accounts service, which provides a
 centralized place for managing online accounts (Google, etc) for the
 GNOME desktop.
 This package contains the HTML documentation for the GOA library.

libgoa-backend-1.0-1: No summary available for libgoa-backend-1.0-1 in ubuntu kinetic.

No description available for libgoa-backend-1.0-1 in ubuntu kinetic.

libgoa-backend-1.0-1-dbgsym: debug symbols for libgoa-backend-1.0-1
libgoa-backend-1.0-dev: backend library for GNOME Online Accounts - development files

 This package contains the GNOME Online Accounts service, which provides a
 centralized place for managing online accounts (Google, etc) for the
 GNOME desktop.
 This package contains the files needed to build applications that access
 the service.