colord 1.4.4-2 source package in Ubuntu


colord (1.4.4-2) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Team upload.
  * Bump debhelper to 12 and install the daemons in /usr/libexec
  * debian/rules: Explicitly disable systemd and udev on non-linux architectures
  * debian/control: Bump Standards-Version to 4.5.0 (no further changes)
  * debian/control: Drop docbook-utils from build-dep, this doesn't seems
    necessary and add xsltproc instead
  * debian/control: Mark the -dev and gir packages as Multi-arch: same
  * Omit colord-sensor-argyll on Ubuntu/i386.
    Thanks to Steve Langasek <email address hidden> (Closes: #948540)
  * debian/control: Set Rules-Requires-Root: no
  * debian/watch: Use https:// instead of http://
  * d/p/tests-Make-the-build-reproductible.patch: Make the build reproductible
  * debian/gbp.conf: Set upstream-vcs-tag and make sure patches are not numbered

 -- Laurent Bigonville <email address hidden>  Fri, 20 Mar 2020 15:50:36 +0100

Upload details

Uploaded by:
Chris Halse Rogers
Uploaded to:
Original maintainer:
Chris Halse Rogers
linux-any all
Medium Urgency

See full publishing history Publishing

Series Pocket Published Component Section
Focal release main graphics


File Size SHA-256 Checksum
colord_1.4.4-2.dsc 2.8 KiB 9a8a37cb3215a62580ef793916e5685096cf5717a3cce56d2b255dd26a6cc312
colord_1.4.4.orig.tar.xz 1.8 MiB 9a0fe80160bf88efddb582a9fc0169f56065276dc3882c47dddb9eecd048c0a5
colord_1.4.4.orig.tar.xz.asc 488 bytes 6346d37bb24d626001a2ceb9eaa41c810a0207695d4e5493d6a91cc3c2c71bd2
colord_1.4.4-2.debian.tar.xz 30.7 KiB 9570a9511d0769c3b407c123af0f39e3e62285119db646e3b730305c85016dfe

No changes file available.

Binary packages built by this source

colord: No summary available for colord in ubuntu groovy.

No description available for colord in ubuntu groovy.

colord-data: No summary available for colord-data in ubuntu groovy.

No description available for colord-data in ubuntu groovy.

colord-dbgsym: debug symbols for colord
colord-sensor-argyll: No summary available for colord-sensor-argyll in ubuntu groovy.

No description available for colord-sensor-argyll in ubuntu groovy.

colord-sensor-argyll-dbgsym: debug symbols for colord-sensor-argyll
colord-tests: system service to manage device colour profiles -- test suite

 colord is a system service that makes it easy to manage, install and generate
 colour profiles to accurately colour manage input and output devices.
 It provides a D-Bus API for system frameworks to query, a persistent data
 store, and a mechanism for session applications to set system policy.
 This package contains test programs, designed to be run as a part of a
 regression test suite.

colord-tests-dbgsym: debug symbols for colord-tests
gir1.2-colord-1.0: GObject introspection data for the colord library

 This package contains introspection data for libcolord, a gobject-based
 convenience library for programs to interact with the colord system daemon.
 It can be used by packages using the GIRepository format to generate
 dynamic bindings.

gir1.2-colorhug-1.0: GObject introspection data for the colorhug library

 This package contains introspection data for libcolorhug, a gobject-based
 library for accessing the ColorHug display colourimeter device.
 It can be used by packages using the GIRepository format to generate
 dynamic bindings.

libcolord-dev: system service to manage device colour profiles -- development files

 colord is a system service that makes it easy to manage, install and generate
 colour profiles to accurately colour manage input and output devices.
 It provides a D-Bus API for system frameworks to query, a persistent data
 store, and a mechanism for session applications to set system policy.
 This package contains the development files required to build programs against
 the libcolord library.

libcolord2: system service to manage device colour profiles -- runtime

 colord is a system service that makes it easy to manage, install and generate
 colour profiles to accurately colour manage input and output devices.
 It provides a D-Bus API for system frameworks to query, a persistent data
 store, and a mechanism for session applications to set system policy.
 This package contains a gobject-based convenience library for programs to
 interact with the colord system daemon.

libcolord2-dbgsym: debug symbols for libcolord2
libcolorhug-dev: No summary available for libcolorhug-dev in ubuntu groovy.

No description available for libcolorhug-dev in ubuntu groovy.

libcolorhug2: library to access the ColorHug colourimeter -- runtime

 libcolorhug is a gobject-based library for using the ColorHug display
 colourimeter. It supports both reading values from the colourimeter and
 device administration, such as firmware updates.
 This package contains a gobject-based convenience library for programs to
 interact with the ColorHug colourimeter.

libcolorhug2-dbgsym: debug symbols for libcolorhug2