binfmt-support 2.1.6-1 source package in Ubuntu


binfmt-support (2.1.6-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * New upstream release.
    - Always install database entry even if /proc entry exists (closes:
    - Implement a stop action for the systemd service (closes: #739085).

 -- Colin Watson <email address hidden>  Sun, 21 Feb 2016 15:25:51 +0000

Upload details

Uploaded by:
Colin Watson
Uploaded to:
Original maintainer:
Colin Watson
Medium Urgency

See full publishing history Publishing

Series Pocket Published Component Section
Xenial release main admin


File Size SHA-256 Checksum
binfmt-support_2.1.6-1.dsc 2.0 KiB e6af8a4ded2fe7f0d283d82b83682aabb46c13e39e9881859e7d4cd5e915cc0d
binfmt-support_2.1.6.orig.tar.gz 670.9 KiB 0fa539e48fecee30bf8dc45b7d592db23ec1b4550bd2ed21086b50d7f1e216a8
binfmt-support_2.1.6-1.debian.tar.xz 198.1 KiB 17a00cfc0e2b4c71890d4aae6d4e67f606ad1531d78afd6ff6cbd54970d14718

Available diffs

No changes file available.

Binary packages built by this source

binfmt-support: Support for extra binary formats

 The binfmt_misc kernel module, contained in versions 2.1.43 and later of the
 Linux kernel, allows system administrators to register interpreters for
 various binary formats based on a magic number or their file extension, and
 cause the appropriate interpreter to be invoked whenever a matching file is
 executed. Think of it as a more flexible version of the #! executable
 interpreter mechanism.
 This package provides an 'update-binfmts' script with which package
 maintainers can register interpreters to be used with this module without
 having to worry about writing their own init.d scripts, and which sysadmins
 can use for a slightly higher-level interface to this module.

binfmt-support-dbgsym: debug symbols for package binfmt-support

 The binfmt_misc kernel module, contained in versions 2.1.43 and later of the
 Linux kernel, allows system administrators to register interpreters for
 various binary formats based on a magic number or their file extension, and
 cause the appropriate interpreter to be invoked whenever a matching file is
 executed. Think of it as a more flexible version of the #! executable
 interpreter mechanism.
 This package provides an 'update-binfmts' script with which package
 maintainers can register interpreters to be used with this module without
 having to worry about writing their own init.d scripts, and which sysadmins
 can use for a slightly higher-level interface to this module.