Personal Package Archives for Ubuntu

150 of 73 results
PPA name Description Sources Binaries
openipmi openipmi compiled --with-openssl, especially for use with zabb... 1 6
Zabbix 2.4.x packages for older Ubuntu releases Please note these packages are derived from Zabbix's official ... 1 10
upstream-experimental zabbix 2 upstream experimental packages 1 16
zabbix Arm build of zabbix 3.4 1 10
Latest zabbix for ubuntu LTS Latest available zabbix version (from bui... 1 7
Zabbix Backport zabbix agent 1 14
Zabbix My backport of the latest zabbix packages to Ubuntu Lucid (10.... 2 8
Zabbix 2 Latest Zabbix 2 packages. Ported from Debian Unstable to Ubun... 1 7
Zabbix 2.0 Zabbbix 2.0 imported from Debian stable or experimental and bu... 1 21
Zabbix 2.0 backports Zabbix 2.0 backports. Don't trust this with your life, this i... 1 14
zabbix-agent zabbix-agent 2.2 builds 1 5
Zabbix 3.0 packages for precise Zabbix 3 frontend requires PHP 5.4+. You can have it on Precis... 1 10
L7 Informatics 8 79
Zabbix 2.2.x packages for Ubuntu Lucid 10.04 1 10
Zabbix 3.4vrepo 1 10
Zabbix 4.0 for precise 1 10
zabbix 1 10
LTS Backports 5 29
Test fixes for Zabbix in 16.04 1 8
Zabbix 1 8
Zabbix 2.2 The packages in this repo are simply the latest Trusty package... 4 21
backport Backport builds for testing 12 80
khipu 2 22
zabbix 1 16
Adi Roiban's generic PPA 5 23
Chevah Generic PPA 1 7
General Use Packages Packages intended for everyday general use 19 48
Main BGService PPA Packages on steroids! 1 7
Server server tools 4 15
Server packages 7 44
Updates Updated and new packages. 4 15
Var 2 10
Various upstream versions of software 3 16
Zabbix 1 7
Zabbix 1 7
Zabbix Backport Backported v2.0.6 from Saucy 1 14
Zabbix PPA 1 7
backports backport software 5 75
custom customized packages - you definitely don't want this 1 33
osso 6 79
packages-ppa 2 8
upstream upstream packages 2 8
zabbix 1.x current current 1.x release. 1 7
Nigel Jones' PPA 12 63
PPA for a crmaxx For build some need package in my work. 2 7
PPA for spitfire This is testing ground for packages, I'll publish the list of ... 22 69
Ubuntu Backports Test Builds for Evan Broder 19 60
adminstuff Adminstuff used for work. 9 19
eBox Platform PPA beta 4 19
maverick 6 18
150 of 73 results