Personal Package Archives for Ubuntu

130 of 30 results
PPA name Description Sources Binaries
Bio-Linux The packages provided by this PPA are a binary copy from https... 107 264
HPN OpenSSH OpenSSH with some HPN patches applied. The MT-AES-CTR patch is... 1 9
Python - backports (Xenial & newer) Python packages backports (many restoring Python 2.7) for Xeni... 742 4653
SSLGUI-SSHConnect SSLGUI-GUI for connecting to athena Only for Ubuntu 12.04 Meth... 1 1
Cloud Image Tooling Tooling used for building cloud images. 5 11
Lift - Integration and functional testing framework Lift provides an integration/... 4 10
MetPX Main Repository For MetPX Releases 19 137
MetPX Daily MetPX project daily builds for metpx-sarracenia and metpx-sund... 20 115
fdroidserver All the packages needed to use the core functionality of fdroi... 25 137
fdroidserver This PPA includes the latest fdroidserver and all of the packa... 47 267
Andrew's miscellaneous packages 1 2
Lucid #1 Backports 31 97
Main 9 86
PPA for Francis J. Lacoste Random stuff. YMMV. 4 7
PPA for François Marier Backports of packages from Debian unstable 44 100
Python Python packages not (yet) available in Ubuntu or in other PPAs 44 58
Rally backport 75 212
X2Go Baikal PPA Bundle release of X2Go named ,,Baikal'' (based on X2Go Server ... 14 177
X2Go stable (main) PPA Quick howto to turn your machine into an X2Go server: sudo ap... 30 1055
nightly 8 15
python-paramiko This is a library for making SSH2 connections (client or serve... 2 12
rally-test 75 212
stable Stable releases of Yaybu and its dependencies 8 14
Cyclozzo OSE Opensource version of Stackless Recursion's GAE compatible Paa... 18 30
Lucid Python 2.7 Backports of necessary packages to get python 2.7 on lucid 30 119
Package backports for my machines This PPA contains the backports I use on my machines. You shou... 9 28
Python packages Theses packages fill the gap that exists between pypi packages... 9 49
backports backports of packages I've found useful 3 8
buildserver All the packages needed to run the F-Droid buildserver. 33 153
ubuntu Few packages which are not available when I searched for them 8 8
130 of 30 results