Personal Package Archives for Ubuntu

18 of 8 results
PPA name Description Sources Binaries
Maven updates Updates for maven2, which didn't make it into karmic. To be pr... 20 29
maven3 Maven 3 for Ubuntu. # Maven: 1 1
ActiveMQ Backport for Lucid Backports of ActiveMQ and associated packages from Precise to ... 6 12
Backports Backports on jenkins from current development release to oneiric+ 22 43
Jenkins version uses Because juju really likes to use the LTS, and is... 14 21
PPA for Club-Ubuntu Contains packages created and maintained by Club-Ubuntu members 10 36
PPA for Hanen Ben Rhouma This package archive is meant to gather different Java tools u... 18 43
PPA for Java Packaging Experimental Java packages 2 6
18 of 8 results