Personal Package Archives for Ubuntu

150 of 148 results
PPA name Description Sources Binaries
LibreSSL This package provides unofficial builds of LibreSSL Portable h... 1 59
Utilities - various (Xenial & newer) Utilities PPA (many and varied backported utilities) for Xenia... 191 2483
djgpp toolchain Complete toolchain targeting djgpp. Available libraries: * lib... 4 143
DevEnv 3 43
DevEnv2 3 29
libcrypto++ backports 1 10
libcrypto++ backports 1 5
nbdeps 7 83
Librevault 5 101
Rockbox Rockbox is made by great people, you can see the website here ... 2 12
Android - backports (Xenial & newer) Android PPA (android-platform-system-core with adb) for Xenial... 9 176
Hudson Development Hudson development packages 45 81
4654 - 2021-08-25 https://objectstorage... 2 20
A non-braindead OpenSSL PPA This PPA contains a copy of OpenSSL that has had TLS 1.2 clien... 1 7
AMDGPU_SI Kernels with AMDGPU enabled on Southern Island chips. 2 361
Apache service 17 65
Apache2 23 24
Asus T300CHI Packages useful on a 2in1 like the T300CHI. 3 369
Backports This PPA provides backports of new versions packages from curr... 5 33
Backports 6 75
Backports of NodeJS LTS from Xenial 8 26
Bashtop-Bpytop PPA Resource monitor that shows usage and stats for processor, mem... 7 32
Brightbox PPA Experimental Archive Here be dragons 68 252
CoffeeScript PPA CoffeeScript is a language that compiles into JavaScript Hom... 6 71
Cross-buildable packages 44 197
Depends-Test 5 22
Doom Packages needed to get Doom running on Southern Island GPU. 3 388
Encryption - various (Xenial & newer) Encryption PPA (gnutls28 3.7.3, ssl 1.1.1w, and more) for Xeni... 74 750
FIPS-ARM-BUILD Test for FIPS ARM build 1 9
GStreamer minimal builds This PPA contains GStreamer build with minimal dependencies re... 12 61
General Packages by virtuous-sloth General Packages by virtuous-sloth 1 6
Launchpad Test 4 85
Miscellaneous System Packages Various system packages backport. 57 536
My dependencies PPA with packages I couldn't find on launchpad but needed for ... 3 20
NGINX Mainline and modules Please see for a detailed... 14 404
NGINX with HTTP/2 and Brotli on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and higher Latest NGINX Stable packages compiled against OpenSSL 1.1.0h f... 4 246
Nginx Stable 6 47
Nginx with OpenSSL and HTTP/2 support compiled for Debian Wheezy 2 0
Nignx+ALPN openSSL 1.0.2 nginx 1.10 2 24
No systemd Xenial Some additional package without systemd will be built here due... 43 156
NodeJS 4.x.x LTS Backport Deps Zesty -> Trusty NodeJS build deps backports. 7 19
NodeJS LTS backport build deps 3 12
Nymea's Qt backports (xenial) 6 43
Ondrej's legacy Xenial PHP repository 60 230
OpenDNSSEC Packages OpenDNSSEC is a complete DNSSEC zone signing system which is v... 4 98
OpenResty for LE OpenSSL and OpenResty for lua-resty-auto-ssl for Let's Encrypt... 2 8
OpenSSH backport for precise ssh sshd 46 152
OpenSSH backport-precise for precise ssh sshd copy 46 115
OpenSSL SSL and TLS crytographic protocol for secure communication ove... 1 6
OpenSSL OpenSSL packages from focal rebuilt for bionic. 1 6
150 of 148 results