Personal Package Archives for Ubuntu

141 of 41 results
PPA name Description Sources Binaries
Build Dependencies 5 183
Deprecated Deprecated, do not use 10 240
Diablo stable version test 8 Xenial 4 287
GCC 9 - binaries (Xenial & Bionic) Backport of GCC 9.5.0 (binaries only, not defaults) for Xenial... 4 365
GCC 9 - defaults (Xenial & Bionic) Backport of GCC 9.5.0 and gcc-defaults 1.185.1ubuntu2 for Xeni... 11 455
GCC8 Xenial 4 10 325
GCC9 Xenial 2 202
Native Development Tooling 6 763
PPA for Radu Aurelian 2 173
Test 3 13 319
Test 5 13 1
Toolchains 7 966
Volatile Packages Packages which may be removed without notice 3 406
build-dependencies 24 221
experimental gcc features experimental gcc features 3 359
gcc-default-9 11 257
gcc-stack-clash-protection2 2 220
jammy-yoga 54 269
lp2054343 4 804
lp2054343-arm64 1 54
lp2054343-sru 4 637
lp2054343-sru-gcc-9 1 92
toolchain builds that will not bump requirements for host systems 2 101
lo-test2 Test with gcc-9 1 212
ubuntu-security-staging Shared ppa for staging packages for the Ubuntu Security Team 8 1221
Build Xen 4.1.2 for Ubuntu Oneiric Patches set updated for 4.1.2. Patch tools-flask-prefix.diff m... 1 7
Build Xen 4.1.2-rc2 for Ubuntu 11.10 root@boris-System-P5Q3:~# xl info host : bor... 1 7
Build Xen 4.1.2-rc3 for Ubuntu 11.10 Patches set updated for 4.1.2-rc3 . Patch tools-flask-prefix.d... 1 7
gcc-amd64-arm64-gcc-4-5-6-7-8-9 gcc-4-5-6-7-8-9 amd64 arm64 xenial ubuntu16.04 19 1625
Bionic Backport of GCC xtensa 4 1
victor00000 victor00000 22 25
GCC 10 - binaries (Xenial & Bionic) Backport of GCC 10.3.0 (binaries only, not defaults) for Xenia... 6 464
Toolchain - stage (do not use) *** Toolchain staging PPA -- NOT FOR GENERAL USE *** 38 765
Diablo stable version test 3 7 105
Diablo stable version test 7 Bionic 13 511
GCC 10 - defaults (Xenial & newer) Backports of gcc 10.5.0 (Xenial/Bionic) & gcc-defaults 1.190ub... 15 727
DevilutionX Diablo build for modern operating systems Home page: https://... 44 292
Build Xen 4.1.2-rc1 for Ubuntu 11.10 $ hg clone -r 4.1.2-rc1 1 7
Performous deps for Bionic 50 684
ppa Update as of March 2024: === This repository WILL serve Ubuntu... 271 1578
Trusty Quasi Rolling Updated packages for Ubuntu Trusty 807 2688
141 of 41 results