Personal Package Archives for Ubuntu

121 of 21 results
PPA name Description Sources Binaries
python-chardet Chardet: The Universal Character Encoding Detector Detects: ... 1 10
Python - backports (Xenial & newer) Python packages backports (many restoring Python 2.7) for Xeni... 785 4919
OpenStack development packages Backport of packages needed to develop OpenStack (e.g. newer v... 14 35
Certbot Build PPA (don't use this, use ppa:certbot/certbot) This is a PPA where main builds happens and are transfered to ... 55 227
Certbot PPA The PPA has been DEPRECATED. To get up to date instructions o... 43 170
Lucid Python 2.7 Backports of necessary packages to get python 2.7 on lucid 30 119
Personal Certbot PPA (Test Packages) 48 181
Python 16 79
WoTT Let's Encrypt for IoT (with more bells and whistles). 21 26
ZeroVM Latest Packages Repository for latest / nightly packages for the various ZeroV... 30 95
ZeroVM Stable Packages 27 90
ZeroVM latest packages, with Trusty backports 30 95
python-xenial12 60 144
sshop sshop - ssh jumphost config generator 5 10
GeoNode Stable GeoNode stable releases 135 170
GeoNode testing (pre-release) Alpha, Beta and release candidates 147 227
Giroll's cool stuff This PPA contains some games and good stuff useful for Giroll 260 1506
Huawei-HiQ Base Packages Mainly Ubuntu packages that have been backported with minimal ... 37 266
Release Periodic releases, contains periodic releases intended for non... 139 1519
giftarm 129 1083
openstack-pike-depends packages built for openstack from pike cloud-archive - we don'... 84 328
121 of 21 results