Personal Package Archives for Ubuntu

135 of 35 results
PPA name Description Sources Binaries
bcmwl This has the EOL bcmwl drivers updated for use with newer kern... 1 1
Backports - various (Xenial & newer) Backports PPA (many & varied general system packages) for Xeni... 684 8629
r8169-2.6.30-backport Backported Realtek 8169/8168/8101 (aka r8169) driver from 2.6.... 1 1
Alienware M11x PPA Package tweaks for running Ubuntu on the Alienware M11x laptop... 2 51
Backports Backported packages from Ubuntu Maverick and Debian Sid for Pe... 14 221
Broadcom-sta 1 2
PPA for Galen Grassi 1 2
PPA named ggg for Ghazi 1 6
Broadcom testing 1 1
DarkMint Dark Mint (BlackHat Edition) by D4RkNiK0l4s plz dont use ... 298 518
DarkMint6 Dark MInt Saucy 436 699
Mark Buda's Bionic packages 9 10
Miscellaneous System Packages Various system packages backport. 57 536
Miscellaneous stuff PPA for various packages I find useful. - afpfs-ng . FUSE-bas... 51 276
NeteXt'73 NeteXt'73 - optymalizator systemu strona domowa: 30 989
NeteXt'73 testing Repozytorium testowe. Oprogramowanie instalowane z tego repozy... 29 968
PPA for David Fraser jaunty 9.04: * farsight2 - build of latest upstream for pidgi... 47 156
PPA for Robert Hooker (Inactive) The packages in this PPA are only left for historical purposes... 37 206
PPA for dave 5 29
Packages, backports, etc 43 284
Pop!_OS PPA A repository for all Pop!_OS software components. For 21.10 an... 143 1390
Pop!_OS Proposed A repository for testing changes to Pop!_OS before they land. ... 126 948
Precise Quasi Rolling [unmantained] Updated packages for Ubuntu Precise (12.04) Please use: https... 307 735
System76 Pre-Stable PPA This PPA is used to stage and validate packages on their way t... 46 1633
System76 Stable PPA To add this PPA, open a terminal and: sudo apt-add-repository... 48 1589
Test PPA 15 146
Wasta-Linux PPA Main Wasta-Linux PPA Wasta-Linux website: https://www.wastali... 180 612
alvin-backports Backported packages for the impatient. 16 67
archive Archived packages 56 214
bcmwl Packaging for Broadcom wireless driver found at http://www.bro... 1 6
elQuiQue's Main PPA Here you will find some updates, fixes and backports. 15 18
kablosuz-wireless PPA for Realtek wifi drivers If you installed your system in ... 35 231
ppa ************* ************* ** Warning ** ************* ******... 249 1461
somerville 20 71
vase 28 240
135 of 35 results