Publishing details
polygen (1.0.6.ds2-18) unstable; urgency=medium
* QA upload.
[ Salvo 'LtWorf' Tomaselli ]
* Bump debhelper compat level to 10.
[ Mattia Rizzolo ]
* debian/man.grm: fix the typo here directly instead of using a patch.
* debian/source/format: use source format 3.0 (quilt).
* Use quilt instead of CDBS' simple-patchsys.
* debian/rules:
+ Entirely rewrite using the dh sequencer instead of CDBS.
- This also moves a bunch of commands to the various
debian/{*.{install,docs},clean} etc.
- Also use dh-exec to perform renames.
+ Use /usr/share/dpkg/ instead of calling dpkg-parsechangelog.
+ Sort grm files before generating the polygen-data.6 manpage, to make the
build reproducible. Thanks to Chris Lamb <email address hidden> for the
patch. (Closes: #877375)
* debian/polygen.dirs: remove redundant file.
* debian/control:
+ New build-dependency on dh-exec.
+ Drop build-dependency on cdbs.
+ Bump Standards-Version to 4.1.1, no changes needed.
+ Move git repository to collab-maint.
-- Mattia Rizzolo <email address hidden> Tue, 10 Oct 2017 20:37:21 +0200
Built packages
generator of random sentences from grammar definitions
grammar definitions for PolyGen
Package files