Publishing details


linux-mako (3.4.0-7.44) xenial; urgency=low

  [ Andy Whitcroft ]

  * SAUCE: -- fix use of defined on arrays
    - LP: #1549677

linux-mako (3.4.0-7.43) xenial; urgency=low

  [ Andy Whitcroft ]

  * [Config] depend on kmod in preference to module-init-tools -- part 2
    - LP: #1541917

linux-mako (3.4.0-7.42) xenial; urgency=low

  [ Andy Whitcroft ]

  * [Config] depend on kmod in preference to module-init-tools
    - LP: #1541917

 -- Andy Whitcroft <email address hidden>  Thu, 25 Feb 2016 11:32:51 +0000

Available diffs


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Package files