Publishing details
colord (1.2.12-1ubuntu1) xenial; urgency=medium
* Merge from Debian unstable. Remaining Ubuntu changes:
+ debian/control: Don't build-depend on Argyll; not in main.
+ debian/rules: Don't build extra print profiles; requires Argyll
colord (1.2.12-1) unstable; urgency=medium
* Bump standards-version; no changes required
* Use canonical Vcs-Git URL
* Fix Files: glob in debian/copyright to actually match
* Drop obsolete XS-Testsuite stanza; dpkg handles this now
* Move hardening-check lintian override to correct package
* Fix FTBFS on !Linux architectures.
Argyll is now linux-only, so guard all the features that rely on it
behind linux-any.
Thanks to Pino Toscano <email address hidden> (Closes: 795536)
* Update libcolorhug symbols for 1.2.12 release
* Really, truly, remove obsolete colord.conf. (Closes: 751212)
* colord-plugin-argyll: fix upgrade from Jessie.
This package was split out of colord as argyll has become Linux-only, so we need
to do the Breaks/Replaces dance. (Closes: 798355)
colord (1.2.11-1) unstable; urgency=medium
* Add missing GFDL licence for documentation
* Merge new upstream 1.2.11 release. (Closes: 782477)
* Cherry pick commit to check for, and prefer, libsystemd over
libsystemd-login. (Closes: 779777)
* debian/libcolorhug2.symbols: Add new ch_device_close symbol.
* Remove no-longer-used colord.conf (Closes: 751212)
* Add new symbols to libcolord-private symbols file
* Add new functions to libcolorhug2 symbols file
* Add newly-introduced symbols to symbols file
* Update DEP8 control for libtool-bin split
* Output better logs on DEP8 failures
* Add colord-sensor-argyll package
* Disable strangely-failing DEP8 test
-- Christopher James Halse Rogers <email address hidden> Fri, 06 Nov 2015 17:19:36 +0000
Built packages
system service to manage device colour profiles -- system daemon
system service to manage device colour profiles -- data files
debug symbols for package colord
system service to manage device colour profiles -- argyll sensor plugin
debug symbols for package colord-sensor-argyll
GObject introspection data for the colord library
GObject introspection data for the colorhug library
system service to manage device colour profiles -- development files
system service to manage device colour profiles -- runtime
debug symbols for package libcolord2
library to access the ColorHug colourimeter -- development files
library to access the ColorHug colourimeter -- runtime
debug symbols for package libcolorhug2
Package files