Publishing details


ubuntu-ui-toolkit (0.1.46+14.04.20140408.1-0ubuntu1) trusty; urgency=low

  [ Zoltán Balogh ]
  * Change Ubuntu API links in the docs (LP: #1303535) (LP: #1303535)

  [ Leo Arias ]
  * Improve the check of tab selection mode by moving to it first.
  * On the autopilot helpers to click a toolbar button, check that the
    toolbar is opened first. (LP: #1302706)

  [ tpeeters ]
  * Improve toolbar handling on desktop by opening it on mouse hover.
    (LP: #1182734)
  * If a Page is inside a Tab and has no title set, get it automatically
    from the Tab. (LP: #1289695)
 -- Ubuntu daily release <email address hidden>   Tue, 08 Apr 2014 14:47:06 +0000

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