Copied from
ubuntu oracular in
Primary Archive for Ubuntu
coreutils (9.4-3.1ubuntu1) oracular; urgency=medium
* Merge with Debian unstable (LP: #2075338). Remaining changes:
- debian/rules:
+ Allow crossbuilding
+ Run tests
+ Ignore the cut-huge-range test failure on armhf, only seen on
the buildds.
- debian/tests:
+ Add dep8 tests
- debian/patches/80_fedora_sysinfo.patch
+ Make 'uname -i -p' return the real processor/hardware,
instead of unknown.
- debian/patches/99_float_endian_detection.patch:
+ Fix detection of floating point endianness.
- d/p/treat-devtmpfs-and-squashfs-as-dummy-filesystems.patch:
+ Avoid displaying snaps in output from df and other tools, by
excluding display of squashfs filesystems.
(LP #1219529, #1756595)
+ Exclude devtmpfs filesystems in output from df and other tools
since it is a dummy filesystem.
(LP #1219529)
- d/p/tail-fix-tailing-sysfs-files-where-PAGE_SIZE-BUFSIZ.patch:
Fix tailing of sysfs files on systems using a 64K page size.
(LP 2047450)
- SECURITY UPDATE: heap overflow in split --line-bytes with very long
+ debian/patches/CVE-2024-0684.patch: do not shrink hold buffer in
+ CVE-2024-0684
- d/p/cp-n.diff: skip tests/cp/ upstream test (LP #2055180)
The behavior of cp -n is different in Debian than in upstream,
and this test assumes upstream behavior of -n, and how it
interacts with -i.
- d/p/72_id_checkngroups.patch: refreshed
coreutils (9.4-3.1) unstable; urgency=medium
* Non-maintainer upload.
* DEP17: Move files to /usr. (Closes: #1061274, #1057250)
-- Dominik Viererbe <email address hidden> Wed, 31 Jul 2024 18:24:19 +0300