Publishing details


policykit-1 (124-2ubuntu1) noble; urgency=medium

  * Merge with Debian; remaining changes:
    - polkitd.postinst: call systemd-sysusers with SYSTEMD_NSS_DYNAMIC_BYPASS=1
      This works around an upgrade bug in systemd where nss-systemd cannot
      establish a varlink connection with io.systemd.DynamicUser, hence causing
      the polkitd user/group creation to fail.

policykit-1 (124-2) unstable; urgency=medium

  [ Michael Biebl ]
  * Drop obsolete lintian override
  * Build-depend on pkgconf instead of pkg-config

  [ Simon McVittie ]
  * d/control: Change policykit-1 dependencies from "equal" to "at least"
    Having transitional packages depend on package (>= x) instead
    of package (= x) means that the transitional package can remain
    installed on user systems even after it has been obsoleted and
    removed, if it's required by third-party software.
  * d/p/Turn-local-modifications-of-mocklibc-into-patches-and-app.patch:
    Add patch to fix FTBFS caused by an implicit declaration.
    Thanks to Michael Biebl (Closes: #1066531)
  * d/.gitignore: Add
  * d/control: Explicitly build-depend on gir1.2-gio-2.0-dev
  * d/control: Add ${gir:Depends}, ${gir:Provides} to all relevant packages
  * d/control: Stop build-depending on libgirepository1.0-dev.
    This is unnecessary now that we depend on gir1.2-gio-2.0-dev and
    a new enough gobject-introspection.
  * d/rules: Enable cross-compilation of gobject-introspection data

 -- Matthias Klose <email address hidden>  Wed, 03 Apr 2024 20:26:54 +0200

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