Publishing details


openssl (3.0.8-1ubuntu1) lunar; urgency=medium

  * Merge 3.0.8 from Debian testing (LP: #2006954)
    - Remaining changes:
      + Symlink changelog{,.Debian}.gz and copyright.gz from libssl-dev to
      + d/libssl3.postinst: Revert Debian deletion
        - Skip services restart & reboot notification if needrestart is in-use.
        - Bump version check to 1.1.1 (bug opened as LP: #1999139)
        - Use a different priority for libssl1.1/restart-services depending
          on whether a desktop, or server dist-upgrade is being performed.
        - Import libraries/restart-without-asking template as used by above.
      + Add support for building with noudeb build profile.
      + Use perl:native in the autopkgtest for installability on i386.

 -- Adrien Nader <email address hidden>  Mon, 20 Feb 2023 16:10:19 +0100

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