Ubuntu Touch Core Apps ota10

Milestone information

Ubuntu Touch Core Apps


Assigned to you:
No blueprints or bugs assigned to you.
1 Andrew Hayzen, 1 Ken VanDine, 1 Nekhelesh Ramananthan, 9 Victor Thompson
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
12 Fix Released

0 blueprints and 12 bugs targeted

Bug report Project Importance Assignee Status
1550096 #1550096 Potential music app updates needed due to a change in theming/UI toolkit in OTA10 Ubuntu Music App Ubuntu Music App 3 High Victor Thompson  10 Fix Released
1550507 #1550507 Potential weather app updates needed due to a change in theming/UI toolkit in OTA10 Ubuntu Weather App Ubuntu Weather App 3 High Nekhelesh Ramananthan  10 Fix Released
1554621 #1554621 Invalid use of palette apparent with new SDK Ubuntu Music App Ubuntu Music App 3 High Ken VanDine  10 Fix Released
1549557 #1549557 Fallback art is displayed in the toolbar and Now Playing view sometimes when the art is actually defined Ubuntu Music App Ubuntu Music App 4 Medium Victor Thompson  10 Fix Released
1549580 #1549580 Fallback art is NOT displayed in the Songs tab Ubuntu Music App Ubuntu Music App 4 Medium Victor Thompson  10 Fix Released
1378143 #1378143 [Music App and Scope] Consistent use of "Songs" or "Tracks" between Music app and Music scope Ubuntu Music App Ubuntu Music App 5 Low Victor Thompson  10 Fix Released
1515067 #1515067 Redundant requests for artist art Ubuntu Music App Ubuntu Music App 5 Low Victor Thompson  10 Fix Released
1538829 #1538829 When the app is in landscape mode on mako the "No playlists found" label is not visible Ubuntu Music App Ubuntu Music App 5 Low Victor Thompson  10 Fix Released
1538832 #1538832 The "Select playlist" page has a large offset between the header and the start of the GridView Ubuntu Music App Ubuntu Music App 5 Low Victor Thompson  10 Fix Released
1538838 #1538838 Exporting a song allows the user to long press to cancel the selection Ubuntu Music App Ubuntu Music App 5 Low Andrew Hayzen  10 Fix Released
1538863 #1538863 The export song view can be produced/stacked many times Ubuntu Music App Ubuntu Music App 5 Low Victor Thompson  10 Fix Released
1550832 #1550832 In AddToPlaylist, the Cards for each playlist do not support plural number of tracks Ubuntu Music App Ubuntu Music App 5 Low Victor Thompson  10 Fix Released

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