Ubuntu Touch Core Apps 1.0

Milestone information

Ubuntu Touch Core Apps


Assigned to you:
No blueprints or bugs assigned to you.
2 Andrea Cerisara, 1 Andrew Starr-Bochicchio, 1 Camron, 20 Nekhelesh Ramananthan, 2 Nicholas Skaggs, 8 Paolo Rotolo, 2 Sergio Schvezov, 1 Victor Thompson
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
1 Invalid, 37 Fix Released

0 blueprints and 38 bugs targeted

Bug report Project Importance Assignee Status
1234963 #1234963 Last row of albums only partly visible Ubuntu Music App Ubuntu Music App 1 Undecided Victor Thompson  3 Invalid
1187994 #1187994 [Clock app] Alarm doesn't work Ubuntu Clock App Ubuntu Clock App 2 Critical Nekhelesh Ramananthan  10 Fix Released
1238703 #1238703 All autopilot tests fail Ubuntu Clock App Ubuntu Clock App 2 Critical Nicholas Skaggs  10 Fix Released
1238798 #1238798 Clock app doesn't work on mir on maguro Ubuntu Clock App Ubuntu Clock App 2 Critical Nekhelesh Ramananthan  10 Fix Released
1191291 #1191291 Clock app does not honor timezone Ubuntu Clock App Ubuntu Clock App 3 High Nekhelesh Ramananthan  10 Fix Released
1199142 #1199142 World clock times are incorrect Ubuntu Clock App Ubuntu Clock App 3 High Nekhelesh Ramananthan  10 Fix Released
1201830 #1201830 Clocks need to sync better and use the same backend Ubuntu Clock App Ubuntu Clock App 3 High Nekhelesh Ramananthan  10 Fix Released
1201858 #1201858 Clock reports time in UTC by default. Ubuntu Clock App Ubuntu Clock App 3 High Nekhelesh Ramananthan  10 Fix Released
1209024 #1209024 Toolbar prevents text preset from accepting input Ubuntu Clock App Ubuntu Clock App 3 High Nekhelesh Ramananthan  10 Fix Released
1217743 #1217743 Stopwatch runs backwards Ubuntu Clock App Ubuntu Clock App 3 High Camron  10 Fix Released
1219770 #1219770 In Timer, clock face is off screen when selecting preset Ubuntu Clock App Ubuntu Clock App 3 High Nekhelesh Ramananthan  10 Fix Released
1223958 #1223958 [clock] Timer should only go up to an hour - any longer and you need an alarm Ubuntu Clock App Ubuntu Clock App 3 High Nekhelesh Ramananthan  10 Fix Released
1227674 #1227674 Very difficult to select bottom city in scrollable list of 4 or more Ubuntu Clock App Ubuntu Clock App 3 High Nekhelesh Ramananthan  10 Fix Released
1239088 #1239088 Display of clock app is too wide and offset to the right Ubuntu Clock App Ubuntu Clock App 3 High Nekhelesh Ramananthan  10 Fix Released
1200405 #1200405 Sunrise/Sunset Times should be retrieved online sparingly Ubuntu Clock App Ubuntu Clock App 4 Medium Andrew Starr-Bochicchio  10 Fix Released
1200410 #1200410 While searching world cities provide a small pause before going online to search Ubuntu Clock App Ubuntu Clock App 4 Medium Paolo Rotolo  10 Fix Released
1210196 #1210196 Autopilot Testcase Needed: Test Add World Clock Ubuntu Clock App Ubuntu Clock App 4 Medium Andrea Cerisara  10 Fix Released
1210197 #1210197 Autopilot Testcase Needed: Test Delete World Clock Ubuntu Clock App Ubuntu Clock App 4 Medium Andrea Cerisara  10 Fix Released
1218397 #1218397 [Clock app] Clock has missing policy group Ubuntu Clock App Ubuntu Clock App 4 Medium Sergio Schvezov  10 Fix Released
1222231 #1222231 Textfield has focus issues preventing user from accessing other ui elements Ubuntu Clock App Ubuntu Clock App 4 Medium Nekhelesh Ramananthan  10 Fix Released
1222925 #1222925 Add support for HUD Actions Ubuntu Clock App Ubuntu Clock App 4 Medium Nekhelesh Ramananthan  10 Fix Released
1222942 #1222942 Cancel toolbar action needs the correct icon Ubuntu Clock App Ubuntu Clock App 4 Medium Paolo Rotolo  10 Fix Released
1226128 #1226128 [clock] on scrolling down page, hide tab header Ubuntu Clock App Ubuntu Clock App 4 Medium Nekhelesh Ramananthan  10 Fix Released
1230153 #1230153 [Clock] [Weather] Return more fine-grained territorial divisions for city search results Ubuntu Clock App Ubuntu Clock App 4 Medium Nekhelesh Ramananthan  10 Fix Released
1231106 #1231106 World Clock list needs to inform user when results cannot be retrieved due to network error Ubuntu Clock App Ubuntu Clock App 4 Medium Nekhelesh Ramananthan  10 Fix Released
1172869 #1172869 [Clock app] Timer label updates before the timer hand reaches destination Ubuntu Clock App Ubuntu Clock App 5 Low Paolo Rotolo  10 Fix Released
1176139 #1176139 Clock comes up with cut-off menu at the bottom Ubuntu Clock App Ubuntu Clock App 5 Low   10 Fix Released
1215332 #1215332 [ Clock app ] - there is no effect on the circle shape Ubuntu Clock App Ubuntu Clock App 5 Low Nekhelesh Ramananthan  10 Fix Released
1218751 #1218751 Reset and lap icons appear pixelated on a phone Ubuntu Clock App Ubuntu Clock App 5 Low Paolo Rotolo  10 Fix Released
1219768 #1219768 Scrolling list of cities overlaps labels Ubuntu Clock App Ubuntu Clock App 5 Low Paolo Rotolo  10 Fix Released
1220375 #1220375 Provide the ability to delete a stopwatch lap Ubuntu Clock App Ubuntu Clock App 5 Low Paolo Rotolo  10 Fix Released
1220998 #1220998 clock app autopilot tests fail Ubuntu Clock App Ubuntu Clock App 5 Low Nicholas Skaggs  10 Fix Released
1222235 #1222235 [Clock] Add error message if no cities were found Ubuntu Clock App Ubuntu Clock App 5 Low Paolo Rotolo  10 Fix Released
1224891 #1224891 [clock app] HUD actions should not appear for toolbar button such as Save or Cancel. Ubuntu Clock App Ubuntu Clock App 5 Low Nekhelesh Ramananthan  10 Fix Released
1226131 #1226131 [clock] Load premade presets for new user so user doesn't end up in blank app Ubuntu Clock App Ubuntu Clock App 5 Low Nekhelesh Ramananthan  10 Fix Released
1232680 #1232680 [Clock] The dots under the alarm name should be blank Ubuntu Clock App Ubuntu Clock App 5 Low Paolo Rotolo  10 Fix Released
1233559 #1233559 Typo "Occurence" @ AddAlarmPage.qml#L277 Ubuntu Clock App Ubuntu Clock App 5 Low Nekhelesh Ramananthan  10 Fix Released
1237893 #1237893 Please make sure availability on the store Ubuntu Clock App Ubuntu Clock App 5 Low Sergio Schvezov  10 Fix Released

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