Blueprints targeted: None
Work for current development release.
Blueprints targeted: None
Work on Ubuntu 16.04, codenamed Xenial Xerus, released in April 2016.
Work on Ubuntu 15.10, codenamed Wily Werewolf, released in October 2015.
Work on Ubuntu 15.04, codenamed Vivid Vervet, released in April 2015.
Work on Ubuntu 14.10, codenamed Utopic Unicorn, to be released in October 2014.
Work on Ubuntu 14.04, codenamed Trusty Tahr, to be released in April 2014.
Work on Ubuntu 13.10, codenamed Saucy Salamander, to be released in October 2013.
Work on Ubuntu 13.04, codenamed Raring Ringtail, to be released in April 2013.
Work on Ubuntu 12.10, codenamed Quantal Quetzal, in October 2012.
Work on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, codenamed Precise Pangolin, in April 2012.
Work on Ubuntu 11.10, codenamed Oneiric Ocelot, in October 2011.
Work for Ubuntu 10.10 (codenamed Maverick Meerkat)
Work for Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (codenamed Lucid Lynx)
Work in progress, heading towards Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex)
Blueprints targeted: None
Work on Ubuntu 19.04, codenamed Disco Dingo, released in April 2019.
Blueprints targeted: None
Work on Ubuntu 18.04, codenamed Bionic Beaver, released in April 2018.
Work on Ubuntu 17.10, codenamed Artful Aardvark, released in October 2017.
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