tripleo yoga-1

Milestone information

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Assigned to you:
No blueprints or bugs assigned to you.
5 Alex Schultz, 2 Amol Kahat, 1 Arx Cruz, 1 Bogdan Dobrelya, 2 Brent Eagles, 1 Christian Schwede, 2 Cédric Jeanneret, 1 David Vallee Delisle, 1 Douglas Viroel, 1 Francesco Pantano, 1 Giulio Fidente, 4 Harald Jensås, 5 John Fulton, 2 Marios Andreou, 4 Rabi Mishra, 1 Roger Heslop, 1 Ronelle Landy, 4 Sandeep Yadav, 1 Sergii Golovatiuk, 2 Sofer Athlan-Guyot, 1 Steve Baker, 1 mathieu bultel
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
8 Invalid, 2 Won't Fix, 2 Confirmed, 9 Triaged, 3 In Progress, 91 Fix Released

0 blueprints and 115 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1947861 #1947861 CS9 tempest tests failures on standalone master 2 Critical   3 Invalid
1950964 #1950964 centos-8-containers-multinode job is failing while undercloud deployment 2 Critical   3 Invalid
1951577 #1951577 victoria - overcloud deployment fails with: rabbitmq failed to start - minimal feature set 2 Critical   3 Invalid
1954778 #1954778 Error downloading samba-client-libs-4.15.2-2.el8.x86_64 2 Critical   3 Invalid
1979276 #1979276 ovn-dbs-bundle fails to start because ovn-ctl crashes with coredump generated 2 Critical   3 Invalid
1948760 #1948760 Node provisioning fails first, then works on second attempt 3 High   3 Invalid
1967252 #1967252 No module named 'ansible.module_utils.openstack' 3 High Cédric Jeanneret  3 Invalid
1990424 #1990424 <ROLE>NetworkConfigTemplate - Heat var should set in overcloud node provision output environment 4 Medium Harald Jensås  3 Invalid
1959014 #1959014 tempest.api.compute.images.test_list_image_filters failing on victoria 2 Critical   4 Won't Fix
1954918 #1954918 container rabbitmq_wait_bundle failed with Error: OCI runtime error: set propagation for `bin/epmd`: Invalid argument 3 High   4 Won't Fix
1971991 #1971991 designate: rndc client information for worker is generated by the wrong service 3 High Brent Eagles  6 Confirmed
1982552 #1982552 Non integer values in LooseVersion('stable/1.0.0') 4 Medium Amol Kahat  6 Confirmed
1954887 #1954887 python-ironic-inspector-client>=1.5.0 conflicting dependencies 2 Critical   7 Triaged
1947395 #1947395 ephemeral heat errors when trying to remove tirpleo deploy temp dir on failure 3 High   7 Triaged
1949765 #1949765 overriding whole_disk_images is not working - cannot force use of overcloud-full image 3 High Marios Andreou  7 Triaged
1950382 #1950382 centos-8-standalone-on-multinode-ipa job with FIPS enabled failing with: "Can't run container rabbitmq_wait_bundle" 3 High   7 Triaged
1950453 #1950453 image_sanity fails for centos9 overcloud-full image build 3 High   7 Triaged
1955623 #1955623 ERROR! the role 'repo-setup' was not found in tripleo-ci 3 High   7 Triaged
1947510 #1947510 Undercloud Minion should be configured with same default tuning as Undercloud for heat & ironic 4 Medium Sandeep Yadav  7 Triaged
1971512 #1971512 Undercloud install succeeds despite failed service 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1986974 #1986974 Using scenario001 multinode containers is failing on "Ceph deployment is not available anymore during overcloud deploy" 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1951433 #1951433 Attempting to delete an image from Glance that is in use breaks subsequent usage of that image 3 High Giulio Fidente  8 In Progress
1950171 #1950171 Deployment with 1controller and 1 compute in CI is failing with "error": "No IPs found for Controller role on ctlplane network" 4 Medium   8 In Progress
1971997 #1971997 Add a Job definition for a update with more coverage. 4 Medium Sofer Athlan-Guyot  8 In Progress
1946659 #1946659 update/upgrades jobs are failing in check/gate after promotions - "Not found image:" 2 Critical Arx Cruz  10 Fix Released
1947015 #1947015 jenkins-tripleo-quickstart-promote-wallaby-current-tripleo-delorean-minimal does not install /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/network-data-samples/default-network-isolation.yaml 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1947050 #1947050 periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-standalone-full-tempest-api-master failing on tempest tests due to 'Lost connection to MySQL server during query' error 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1947144 #1947144 fs039 and multinode-ipa jobs on vexxhost are failing to configure FreeIPA - DNS server 2 Critical Ronelle Landy  10 Fix Released
1947181 #1947181 C9 Standalone deploy fails on build-test-package dependency install task because of missing Mock package. 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1947193 #1947193 Centos9 standalone deployment failing with error: "heat.common.exception.StackValidationFailed: Property error: Incorrect arguments: Items to merge must be maps." 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1947373 #1947373 openstack-tox-tht jobs are failing in victoria and wallaby - "TypeError: load() missing 1 required positional argument: 'Loader' 2 Critical Sandeep Yadav  10 Fix Released
1947403 #1947403 OVB jobs are consistently failing on tripleo overcloud node introspect: "Introspection timeout" 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1947412 #1947412 centos-8-scenario001[2]-standalone-cloudops-master failing with: Can't run container aodh_db_sync: "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'oslo_reports'" 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1947548 #1947548 Master SC001-standalone jobs failing consistently with error "Service multipathd has not started yet" 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1947572 #1947572 tripleo-build-containers-ubi-8 fails - 'release' is undefined 2 Critical Marios Andreou  10 Fix Released
1947665 #1947665 Centos9 standalone failing on TASK [multi-node-bridge : Install openvswitch] because of wrong openvswitch version(EL8) 2 Critical Sandeep Yadav  10 Fix Released
1947679 #1947679 master standalone jobs consistently failing with "Not found image" 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1948001 #1948001 tripleo-quicktart is not able to provision VMs 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1948931 #1948931 centos-8-standalone-upgrade-tripleo-wallaby is failing on repo setup during upgrade 2 Critical Douglas Viroel  10 Fix Released
1949070 #1949070 Tripleo-quickstart does not deploy the servers with the flavors that the VMs were created for 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1949107 #1949107 OVB jobs failing on 'modify-image' task: "mount: /tmp/tmp.*: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/nbd0" 2 Critical Steve Baker  10 Fix Released
1949211 #1949211 openstack-tox-docs jobs are failing on tripleo-ansible changes - package versions have conflicting dependencies 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1949327 #1949327 Can't run container rabbitmq_wait_bundle. Could not prefetch rabbitmq_user provider 'rabbitmqctl': Command is still failing after 180 seconds expired! 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1949456 #1949456 package python3-tripleoclient-17.1.1-0.20211027132314.ce6a555.el9.noarch requires podman, but none of the providers can be installed\n - conflicting requests\n - package podman-1:3.4.2-0.2.el9.x86_64 is filtered out by modular filtering", 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1949601 #1949601 centos9 fs1/fs2 ovb failing install_packages "package buildah filtered out by modular filtering" 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1949806 #1949806 container runtime for c9 containers is set as 'runc' instead of 'crun' 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1950016 #1950016 tox jobs are failing check/gate on setuptools dependencies 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1950137 #1950137 tripleo-ci-centos-8-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001 failed due to qemu-nbd error 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1950323 #1950323 Illegal negative packet size -28 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1950383 #1950383 tripleo-quickstart-promote-master-current-tripleo-delorean-minimal is failing node provision - 'default_image' is undefined 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1950466 #1950466 CS9 nothing provides libgcc >= 11.2.1-6.el9 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1950528 #1950528 undercloud install fails because gateway is not pingable 2 Critical David Vallee Delisle  10 Fix Released
1950815 #1950815 periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-standalone-full-tempest-api-wallaby is failing neutron test_create_update_port_with_dns_name test - testtools.matchers._impl.MismatchError: 'd1' != '' 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1950916 #1950916 qemu 6.1 in CentOS Stream 8/9 regression in q35, unable to add more than 15 pcie-root-ports 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1951092 #1951092 centos-8 train - fs35 job fails on various tempest tests 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1951752 #1951752 tripleo-quickstart-promote-master-current-tripleo-delorean-minimal is failing to provision nodes - Version requested but version discovery document was not found and allow_version_hack was False 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1953082 #1953082 tripleo-ci-centos-7-content-provider is failing in gate/check - couldn't resolve module/action 'authorized_key' 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1953738 #1953738 os_tempest: Ping router ip address - Destination Host Unreachable 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1953742 #1953742 weirdo-master-centos8-promote-packstack-scenario002 is failing the synchronize task - No route to host 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1954431 #1954431 centos-8-standalone-upgrade-ussuri fails - cinder_api untyped_volumes_online_data_migration 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1955508 #1955508 standalone multinode ipa job broken by ntp validation 2 Critical Alex Schultz  10 Fix Released
1956082 #1956082 [c8 train] Paunch failed with config_id tripleo_step3 failing on fs039 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1956083 #1956083 [victoria] [ERROR]: Container(s) which failed to be created by podman_container module: ['nova_wait_for_compute_service'] failing on fs039 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1956233 #1956233 master: neutron_tempest_plugin.scenario.test_trunk.TrunkTest.test_trunk_subport_lifecycle is failing - "RuntimeError: Timed out waiting for port '<> to transition to get status 'DOWN'." 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1956441 #1956441 systems-module-load.service is not getting started in overcloud deploy 2 Critical Amol Kahat  10 Fix Released
1956902 #1956902 pep8 jobs failing with ImportError: cannot import name 'render_group' from 'rich.console' 2 Critical Rabi Mishra  10 Fix Released
1957060 #1957060 centos 9 featureset 1 ovb fails multiple tempest compute tests 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1957083 #1957083 multinode-ipa job is not resolving the NTP hosts on some providers 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1957116 #1957116 tripleo-tox-molecule is failing in tripleo-ci changes - couldn't resolve module/action 'community.docker.docker_container' 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1957709 #1957709 glibc-2.28-181.el8.x86_64 and glibc-2.28-180.el8.x86_64 - failing tripleo-ci tripleo-tox-molecule 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1957792 #1957792 RDO jobs Failing with operation not permited to ping dns 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1957805 #1957805 No module named pathlib2 2 Critical mathieu bultel  10 Fix Released
1957950 #1957950 c9 provider job is failing - openssl-devel dependencies 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1958955 #1958955 cs9 master fs001, fs002, fs020, fs035, fs039 and fs064 is failing to provision overcloud node (the last error is Timeout reached while waiting for callback for node) 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1959328 #1959328 tempest.scenario.test_network_basic_ops.TestNetworkBasicOps.test_network_basic_ops failing on periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp-featureset039-train 2 Critical Bogdan Dobrelya  10 Fix Released
1959582 #1959582 centos-9-scenario007-standalone-wallaby - os_tempest: Failing on "Ping router ip address" 2 Critical Brent Eagles  10 Fix Released
1959619 #1959619 Jobs are failing check/gate/promotion looking for opstools repo - EOL wth centos 8 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1959656 #1959656 Image build failing for missing repo 'tripleo-centos-ceph-nautilus' 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1959930 #1959930 tempest tests are all failing on all OVB jobs in c8/c9 master 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1960484 #1960484 tripleo-ci-centos-8-undercloud-upgrade fails for undercloud sanity check 2 Critical Rabi Mishra  10 Fix Released
1962168 #1962168 Centos-7 train overcloud deploy image build jobs fail "lsblk: unrecognized option" 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1964530 #1964530 centos-9-scenario001-standalone tripleo_ansible_inventory or deployed_metalsmith parameter is required 2 Critical John Fulton  10 Fix Released
1965287 #1965287 tripleo_hieradata molecule jobs failing with No filter named 'ipwrap' found 2 Critical Rabi Mishra  10 Fix Released
1966663 #1966663 centos-8 featureset 002 wallaby fails node provision "Operation was aborted due to conductor take over" 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1973743 #1973743 Validation command fail during update. 2 Critical Sofer Athlan-Guyot  10 Fix Released
1975591 #1975591 Master: Overcloud deployment failing on task "FATAL | Ensure system is NTP time synced" 2 Critical Sandeep Yadav  10 Fix Released
1980185 #1980185 The tripleo-ci-centos-9-scenario010-standalone job fails with ansible error in ceph tasks 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1980333 #1980333 Error overcloud network provision failed 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1988441 #1988441 Update timeouts on step 3 due to large amount of Swift files 2 Critical Christian Schwede  10 Fix Released
1989005 #1989005 Tox linter on queens has a dependency issue. 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1802203 #1802203 Undercloud upgrade to podman fails with bind mount read errors 3 High Cédric Jeanneret  10 Fix Released
1947959 #1947959 periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-standalone-upgrade-master is consistently failing with "Failed containers: nova_wait_for_api_service" 3 High Sergii Golovatiuk  10 Fix Released
1953013 #1953013 Error: Unable to find a match: genisoimage 3 High   10 Fix Released
1953032 #1953032 AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'version_tuple 3 High   10 Fix Released
1953156 #1953156 package curl-minimal-7.76.1-14.el9.x86_64 conflicts with curl provided by curl-7.76.1-12.el9.x86_64 3 High   10 Fix Released
1953198 #1953198 image-serve sends the wrong tag metadata for some tags 3 High Alex Schultz  10 Fix Released
1954456 #1954456 fs02 overcloud node provision Timeout waiting for provisioned nodes to become available 3 High   10 Fix Released
1955414 #1955414 deployment doesn't fail if ntp servers are unavailable 3 High Alex Schultz  10 Fix Released
1955559 #1955559 Error: Unable to find a match: fence-agents-all" 3 High   10 Fix Released
1955962 #1955962 Destination directory /etc/containers does not exist 3 High   10 Fix Released
1956297 #1956297 OSError: [Errno 98] Address already in use in pkg_mgr_mirror_error.log. 3 High   10 Fix Released
1956319 #1956319 Error: No matching repo to modify: ubi*. on RHEL 9 container build 3 High   10 Fix Released
1956449 #1956449 missing groups or modules: mariadb:10.5 , virt:rhel, , virt:av and redis:5 on RHEL-9 container build 3 High   10 Fix Released
1957169 #1957169 cs9/master: unable to provision OC nodes 3 High Harald Jensås  10 Fix Released
1958884 #1958884 Add cephadm --single-host-defaults for single-node jobs to avoid tempest TestVolumeBootPattern failure 3 High John Fulton  10 Fix Released
1973866 #1973866 Cell deployment fail ping_test_gateway_ips 3 High Harald Jensås  10 Fix Released
1950178 #1950178 Deployed Ceph fails when using custom network name 4 Medium John Fulton  10 Fix Released
1950352 #1950352 containers without a namespace are not correctly added to the catalog initially 4 Medium Alex Schultz  10 Fix Released
1950486 #1950486 Tempest failing on max_meta_* fields when testing RGW 4 Medium Francesco Pantano  10 Fix Released
1950767 #1950767 Overcloud re-deploy fails with Permission error 4 Medium Rabi Mishra  10 Fix Released
1955573 #1955573 overcloud deploy fails without --templates specified with a stack trace 4 Medium Alex Schultz  10 Fix Released
1964597 #1964597 computecompute tag in HciCephObject role 4 Medium John Fulton  10 Fix Released
1970604 #1970604 network provision fails if dns_domain is 'null' 4 Medium Harald Jensås  10 Fix Released
1956517 #1956517 openstack overcloud ceph deploy --network-data could better handle an invalid network_data_v2.yaml file 5 Low John Fulton  10 Fix Released
1969644 #1969644 Standalone Containers based Deployment in TripleO 5 Low Roger Heslop  10 Fix Released
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