Joël Grand-Guillaume @ camptocamp
*Code hosting*: the code is now hosted on https:/
Mirror branches have been setup on Launchpad
This project aim to deal with modules related to manage OpenERP server environment and provide useful tools. You'll find modules that:
- Manage configuration depending on environment (devs, test, prod,..)
- Keep the security on update
- Manage email settings
Project information
- Part of:
- OpenERP Project Group
- Maintainer:
- Server Environment And Tools Core Editors
- Licence:
- GNU GPL v3
View full history Series and milestones
7.0 series is the current focus of development.
All code Code
- Version control system:
- Bazaar
- Programming languages:
- Python
All bugs Latest bugs reported
Bug #1434522: UNable to print label with the module label from serpents
Reported -
Bug #1332352: disable_openerp_online not working anymore in trunk
Reported -
Bug #1326242: Module uninstalled after installing mass_editing module
Reported -
Bug #1319391: |7.0] auth_admin_passkey : uncaught error with admin password and bad login
Reported -
Bug #1313630: [7.0][scheduler_error_mailer] Error when field is of type date
All blueprints Latest blueprints
Module to block a brut force attack by login / password
Registered -
Module to manage password complexity