
Milestones belong to a series and can be created from the series page by a project owner or series release manager.

Version Series Expected Released Summary
Redshift v1.10 trunk None
Redshift 1.9.1 trunk None
Redshift 1.9 trunk None
Redshift 1.8 trunk None
Redshift 1.7 trunk None
Redshift 1.1 trunk None
Redshift 1.0 trunk None
Redshift 0.4 trunk None
Redshift 0.3 trunk None With this release the program will continously adjust the color temperature.
Redshift 0.2 trunk None This release adds VidMode extension support.
Redshift 1.6 trunk 2010-10-17 Configuration file support, bug fixes.
Redshift 1.5 trunk 2010-07-11
Redshift 1.4.1 trunk 2010-06-15
Redshift 1.4 trunk 2010-06-13 Includes automatic location provider (for GNOME clock applet).
Redshift 1.3 trunk 2010-05-12 Allow adjustment of individual CRTCs with RANDR.
Redshift 1.2 trunk 2010-02-12 Support translation of messages in redshift and gtk-redshift.
Redshift 0.1 trunk 2009-11-04