News and announcements

End of Life

Written for QR Tools by Ramiro Algozino on 2021-02-23

I’m officialy announcing that I have stopped working actively on the project and I don’t think I’ll be working on it in the future. I’m still open to merge pull request and patches sent by the community though at least until the project finds a new home or we manage to enable other people on Launchpad.

Follow the link for more details.

Thank you all.

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QR Tools 1.2 Released!

Written for QR Tools by David Green on 2011-07-10

We are pleased to announce the release of QtQR and python-qrtools version 1.2. This release brings localisation, a GUI redesign, support for new QR types and more.

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Translators Request

Written for QR Tools by Ramiro Algozino on 2011-07-04

we are releasing QtQR 1.2 soon! and one of the new features coming to this version is the support for Qt 4translations files (*.qm). we have the default English and Spanish translations available right now, it will be great if we can release QtQR 1.2 in more languages! If your are interested, please drop me an e-mail to:

Hope to hear from you!

Daily PPA Available

Written for QR Tools by Ramiro Algozino on 2011-05-14

We are proud to announce the new Daily PPA for QR Tools! besides the stable PPA that provides the 1.0 version now you can add the daily build PPA and get the latest changes from our development version, it is very stable and should be risk-less.

Intructions on how to add it to your system are here:

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First Release of python-qrtools and QtQR

Written for QR Tools by Ramiro Algozino on 2011-05-01

 We have released the first version of python-qrtools, a QR Codes generation and decoding library and the first version of QtQR simultanously, a GUI for python-qrtools made with PyQt4.
 We can download the soucecode packages from this webpage. Feel free to test them and let us know your impressions, please fill a bug report if needed.

Thank you!

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