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clutter (Blanche de Watou) release from the 0.3 series released

Release information
Release notes:

Portage to clutter. Support for new tube API. Remove pygame.


pyhalebarde 0.3 (Blance de Watou)
  * Wonderful new interface in pyclutter and GTK+ ! (LP #344322)
  * Support for the new tube API (LP #369182)
  * Dialog to invite contact for network game (LP #373296)
  * New gtk menubar (LP #313872)
  * Handle multiple game in a single instance (LP #345154)
  * Lot of code cleaning and many changes in the code architecture
  * Game in fully mouse playable (LP #313878)
  * Many bug fixes (

File Description Downloads
download icon pyhalebarde-0.3.tar.gz (md5) source code 285
last downloaded 34 weeks ago
Total downloads: 285

0.2 (Kasteel) release from the 0.2 series released

Release information
Release notes:

This release offer a whole new multiplayer gaming support using Telepathy framework's tube system. The telepathy support is optional if you only want to play on the same computer. For this to work you will need a recent telepathy-gabble (at least 0.7.21) and Empathy (2.25.92).
There is 3 new translations : Italian, Catalan and Spanish, thanks to keul and malevolant.
It also features a few bug fixes and some Units tests to assure the code quality.


  * Experimental network gaming support
  * Lots of code rewrite to prepare for network support
  * Now with Unit Tests for better quality code (LP #322459)
  * Don't allow saboteur to move in enemy base. (LP #336355)
  * Allow to end turn with keypad's enter (LP #323650)
  * New translations : Italian, Spanish and Catalan (thanks to keul and malevolant)

File Description Downloads
download icon pyhalebarde_0.2.orig.tar.gz (md5, sig) source 176
last downloaded 51 weeks ago
Total downloads: 176

0.1.2 (Grisette) release from the 0.1 series released

Release information

pyhalebarde 0.1.2 (Grisette)
  * Use optparse to parse the command line (LP #317881)
  * No more magic numbers (LP #315890)
  * now work with python 2.6 (LP #311418)
  * change the process name for killall (LP #323559)
  * rewrote the readme (now in reStructuredText)
  * HTML readme
  * lot of code cleaning
  * all methods renamed following the Python convention

File Description Downloads
download icon pyHalebarde-0.1.2.exe (md5) Installer for Windows 93
last downloaded 39 weeks ago
download icon pyhalebarde-0.1.2.tar.gz (md5) Source 45
last downloaded 51 weeks ago
Total downloads: 138

0.1.1 (Westmalle) release from the 0.1 series released

Release information
Release notes:

pyhalebarde 0.1.1 (Westmalle)
  * Game is now translatable (LP #290105)
  * French translation
  * Code is split is severals files now (LP #290104)
  * Fixed (LP #290106)
  * Fixed desktop file comment (LP #290108)
  * Created NEWS file (LP #288773)
  * You need to move 4 units in the enemy base to win


pyhalebarde 0.1.1 (Westmalle)
  * Game is now translatable (LP #290105)
  * French translation
  * Code is split is severals files now (LP #290104)
  * Fixed (LP #290106)
  * Fixed desktop file comment (LP #290108)
  * Created NEWS file (LP #288773)
  * You need to move 4 units in the enemy base to win

File Description Downloads
download icon pyhalebarde.tar.gz (md5) Pakage for archlinux 20
last downloaded 51 weeks ago
download icon pyHalebarde-0.1.1.tar.gz (md5) source 16
last downloaded 51 weeks ago
Total downloads: 36

0.1 (Kriek) release from the 0.1 series released

File Description Downloads
download icon pyHalebarde-0.1.tar.gz (md5) release 18
last downloaded 51 weeks ago
Total downloads: 18